On 7 Jan 2003 at 20:25, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> I don't know anyone who trades video files -- they're pretty 
> big and bulky. A song takes moments to download, but a movie 
> takes many many hours even on a high speed link. I have yet 
> to meet someone who pirates films -- but I know lots of 
> hardened criminals who watch DVDs on Linux and BSD. I'm one 
> of these "criminals".

I pirate films routinely.  These are almost invariably films 
that I could not obtain in any other way.  The amount of time I 
spend watching films on my computer, and on television, is 
roughly comparable.

Similarly most of the music I listen to on my computer, I could
not readily purchase.  Stuff I can readily get through
commercial channels I do -- the convenience, rather than the
cost, is important to me. 

         James A. Donald

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