The New York Times

February 26, 2003 

Receipts Reflect Fears Over Electronic Votes 

AN JOSE, Calif., Feb. 25 - The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors voted today to 
invest $20 million in 5,000 voting machines that produce paper receipts, a move that 
reflects concerns about the trend toward electronic voting machines. 

The vote makes Santa Clara the first county in the nation to purchase the so-called 
voter-verified paper backup system. 

The popularity of electronic voting machines is growing as counties replace the kinds 
of antiquated systems blamed for Florida's 2000 presidential election debacle. At 
least 1 in 10 voters nationwide cast ballots in the last presidential election using 
electronic machines. 

Computer scientists in Silicon Valley are calling for a halt to the trend, at least 
until voting machines are redesigned to produce a paper record of every vote. 

The intent is to provide more protection against hackers, or political operatives, who 
might tamper with the results. 

"Silicon Valley is looked to for answers in technology, and you've got a ton of 
engineers out here who understand security issues better than anyone," said David 
Dill, a computer science professor at Stanford University who led a petition drive 
demanding a paper trail. "I hope people notice the fact that we are taking this 

Putting faith in systems that create no paper records, they said, could open the door 
to election fraud of unprecedented proportions. 

Sequoia Voting Systems of Oakland built prototypes that produced paper receipts. 
Sequoia has offered to add the printers without raising the price of the $20 million 

Congress has set aside $3.9 billion for states to overhaul their voting systems. 

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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