Hi Everyone,

We added a Test namespace within the CryptoPP namespace. The commit of 
interest is 

The Test namespace should help with problems like Patrick and others have 
experienced. Namely, its not obvious that GlobalRNG() is part of test and 
should not be in the library in the first place. We hope that a missing 
symbol like Test::GlobalRNG() will provide the signal needed.

At this point, we are going to keep the code in regtest.cpp out of Test. 
The classes and functions are used for an object registry, and they are 
useful to both the library and testing. In the future, we will make more 
use of it when the Engine-like interface gets cut-in.

Some other busy work was performed at the check-in. We removed GCC's 
deprecated warning suppression (no longer needed), and USING_NAMESPACE(std) 
(no longer needed for most files).

I think the version numbers should be bumped to 6.0. The 6.0 change was 
already on the table due to other changes. We'll check-in the change 


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