Thank you Jeffry for reply. 

I am trying to write managed VC++ wrapper for FIPS DLL but getting 
following error: 

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall 
CryptoPP::DES::Base::ProcessAndXorBlock(unsigned char const *,unsigned char 
const *,unsigned char *)const " (?
ProcessAndXorBlock@Base@DES@CryptoPP@@UBEXPBE0PAE@Z) cryptoppwrapper C:\
Users\821973\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\cryptoppwrapper\
cryptoppwrapper\TDES.obj 1 

>From browsing discussions here, I found that this is because FIPS DLL 
doesn't export DES modules which are not supported by FIPS. 

But I don't know how to resolve this, would you be able to help me with 
that? I uploaded my sample project to assist with troubleshooting if 
possible. You can get it from 

Appreciate your help. 

On Friday, April 28, 2017 at 2:52:34 PM UTC-7, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> On Friday, April 28, 2017 at 5:36:45 PM UTC-4, Farukh Sharipov wrote:
>> Hi 
>> I am new to this group and pardon me if this is repeated questions. 
>> Is there are way to call NIST validated FIPS Crypto++ v5.3 from .NET C#?
>> If yes what would be steps to accomplish this? 
> I believe you can call C++ from C# using interop; see 
> Typically, you use a wrapper DLL that exports a bunch of C functions. Your 
> wrapper DLL links to the static version of Crypto++. This allows you to 
> control symbol visibility (only your symbols are exported rather than all 
> Crypto++ symbols). 
> In your case, because you are using the FIPS DLL, your wrapper DLL only 
> provides the C symbols to be called by C#. The C++ symbols will still be 
> visible, but you won't use them because you are using your C symbols.
> Jeff

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