> I have registered my new algorithm. I add aes.cpp to crypto++ library.  But
> there is problem;
> void AES_X::Base::ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte *inBlock, const byte
> *xorBlock, byte *outBlock) const
> {
>     xorbuf(outBlock, inBlock, m_x1, BLOCKSIZE);
>     //m_aes->ProcessAndXorBlock(outBlock, xorBlock, outBlock);
>     xorbuf(outBlock, m_x3, BLOCKSIZE);
> }
> In this function if I use "m_aes->ProcessAndXorBlock(outBlock, xorBlock,
> outBlock);" it gives segmentation fault. Any idea why?

No, I have no idea.

Perhaps you can provide the Valgrind trace? Or maybe the stack
associated with the crash?

I don't know anyone who can answer questions like you ask with no
information. https://www.cryptopp.com/wiki/Bug_Report.


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