On Wednesday, August 2, 2017 at 8:09:55 AM UTC-4, Daniel Karcz wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I'm moving myself from my own C AES C Library to Crypto++.
> ...
> Can Somebody explain me where exactly in this piece of code encryption have 
> place?
> In C library I have function which I have to call to encrypt data, it look 
> similar to
> encrypt(plain_text, cipher_text, key);
> I know that encryption is made in try{} block, but I see only class 
> declaration, key setting and after that is StringSource which Is transform 
> bytes into string.
You are using a Pipeline. Obviously, Crypto++ has them just like Unix and 
Linux. Also see https://www.cryptopp.com/wiki/Pipelining .

In a pipeline, data flows from a source to a sink. In between there are 
filters which transform the data. The Crypto++ code above is a lot like the 
following Unix commands:

    cat plain.txt | enc -k key -m ecb | hex -e > cipher.txt

The StreamTransformationFilter is the heavy lifter. It accumulates incoming 
plain text. It adds padding to the final block. It also accumulates cipher 
text until you retireve it. Its a very complex filter.

Another filter is the HexEncoder. Its easy to understand its operation.

You might be interested in https://www.cryptopp.com/wiki/Init-Update-Final. 
It kind of presents Crypto++'s objects in a Java-esque kind of way.


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