> I installed crypto++ on my mac and try to run a simple code on xcode. I 
> can create keys using the following: 
>   CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool rng;
>         CryptoPP::InvertibleRSAFunction param;
>         param.GenerateRandomWithKeySize(rng,1536);
>         CryptoPP::RSA::PrivateKey privatekey(param);
>         CryptoPP::RSA::PublicKey publickey (param);
>         prk.push_back(privatekey);
>         pk.push_back(publickey);

The push_back's look unusual. Do something else.

If you show the code that calls the snippet above, we might be able to 
suggest something.

But when I try to sign a message it goes to threat. I do not know what to 
> do with it. The exact threat message is: 
> Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS
> I am using the following code to sign: 
>  CryptoPP::StringSource ss1(mes, true,
>      new CryptoPP::SignerFilter(rng, signer,
>                new CryptoPP::StringSink(signature)
>                                           ) // SignerFilter
>                          ); // StringSource

This looks OK.

There's also some RSA examples on the wiki at 


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