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Sorry about the first one, mozilla did want to send a draft copy???

Hi Friends,

I'm authoring this email to inform you about our new progress.

The most important news is our http server is about to be ready. We've finally take the advantage of our parser/renderer functions on monad like streams named core-streams.

A more interesting news would be, the http server doesnt care if the request is mod-lisp or http-request directly. Parser can differentiate both requests and work universally. So no more :backend option neeeded for the server to run.

It can be sad news that we've dropped the ucw and related libraries from core-server since we've written most of the libs (about 15) and made them small/compact/well-tested.

Here is the total dependency list: (#'s are commented libs ie rewritten)


# Core Server 1.0 Dependencies
core-server         darcs http://www.core.gen.tr/projects/core-server/
#ucw_dev darcs http://common-lisp.net/project/ucw/repos/ucw_dev/
#ucw+            darcs http://www.core.gen.tr/projects/ucw+/
core-services        darcs http://www.core.gen.tr/projects/core-services/
cl-prevalence         darcs http://www.core.gen.tr/projects/cl-prevalence/
yaclml             darcs http://www.core.gen.tr/projects/yaclml/
#trivial-garbage darcs http://common-lisp.net/~loliveira/darcs/trivial-garbage/ #local-time darcs http://common-lisp.net/project/local-time/darcs/local-time/ bordeaux-threads darcs http://common-lisp.net/project/bordeaux-threads/darcs/bordeaux-threads/
arnesi             darcs http://www.core.gen.tr/projects/arnesi_dev/
parenscript darcs http://common-lisp.net/project/ucw/repos/parenscript/
#iterate         darcs http://common-lisp.net/project/iterate/darcs/iterate
#rfc2388 darcs http://common-lisp.net/project/ucw/repos/rfc2388-binary/
#rfc2109         darcs http://common-lisp.net/project/rfc2109/rfc2109/
#cl-l10n darcs http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-l10n/repos/cl-l10n/
s-sysdeps         darcs http://www.beta9.be/darcs/s-sysdeps
#dojo            svn      http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/dojo/trunk/
dojo            tar      http://www.core.gen.tr/projects/dojo-11132.tar.gz
fckeditor tar http://dfn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/fckeditor/FCKeditor_2.5b.tar.gz
s-xml            cvs      common-lisp.net:/project/s-xml/cvsroot
slime            cvs      common-lisp.net:/project/slime/cvsroot
cl-ppcre        tar      http://weitz.de/files/cl-ppcre.tar.gz
cl-fad            tar      http://weitz.de/files/cl-fad.tar.gz
#split-sequence tar http://common-lisp.net/project/ucw/ucw-boxset/split-sequence.tar.gz #trivial-sockets darcs http://common-lisp.net/project/bese/repos/trivial-sockets_until-i-can-merge-with-the-mainline
#puri            tar      http://files.b9.com/puri/puri-latest.tar.gz
#detachtty darcs http://common-lisp.net/project/bese/repos/detachtty/ #net-telent-date tar http://common-lisp.net/project/ucw/ucw-boxset/net-telent-date.tar.gz #parse-number tar http://common-lisp.net/project/asdf-packaging/parse-number-latest.tar.gz asdf-binary-locations darcs http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-containers/asdf-binary-locations/darcs/asdf-binary-locations rt tar http://files.b9.com/rt/rt.tar.gz

The question that may arise is, what we've written to replace ucw and friends?

This question was actually the pain that we've facing last 2 years. We've used ucw in several projects and did evaluated several other frameworks in other languages like plt,hops etc.

Since our aim is to make small/compact and reusable web applications, we've pushed ucw to it's limits. The main problem we've faced is definitely the mop based backtracking . I must admit it leaks as the project grows.

The only control operator ucw has is the action/action-href macro which saves the k to some slot which allows ucw to backtrack component tree.

== Web Framework ==

Our new web framework is like the PLT's. We did want small/compact and easily testable web framework.


Here is the example application to demonstrate control operators of our new web framework: http://www.core.gen.tr/projects/core-server/t/http.lisp

It has send/suspend, action/url, function/url and answer control operators.
* send/suspend is the same as the PLT's which escapes from call/cc at the end of its' progn. * action/url, function/url are similar to action-href in ucw which saves the continuation. * answer is the same as in ucw which returns from the last send/suspend point.

Of course, we'r open to questions and advices that may make the control operators solid. Our aim is now just to open a discussion about those control operators and make them universal.

It was a problem for us while using ucw to make send/suspends only via calling components. This disallows us to combine several components in one send/suspend so, the component api was not enough. This operator now allows us to combine without doing IoC everwhere.

== Template Application ==

Core-serveR actually has template applications to start a new project:

(defparameter *a-project* (make-darcs-application "www.newproject.com" ;; fqdn "newproject" ;; project name "[EMAIL PROTECTED]")) ;; admin-email
(serialize *a-project*)
(evaluate *a-project*)
;;(share *a-project*)

Serialize generates source code from template application here:

This application can be overriden of course for other application tepmlates, but that does the most of the work for us now. Once you've serialized the application to projects/ folder inside the server, evaluate can load the project to make it run. share method allows us to do several darcs operations at once ie: init, record and put to a server that you want.

Similar to darcs-application, we've build a git application for users.

== RFC Compliancy ==

We've implemented several rfcs:http://www.core.gen.tr/projects/core-server/src/rfc/

2045, 2046, 2109, 2388, 2396, 2616, 2617, and some 822. Those rfc implementations are very powerful and most of them are complete.

http://paste.lisp.org/display/42477 paste gives ideas about the completeness of the http protocol.

== The Server Base aka Units ==

Servers are threads that manages others threads to serve response for incoming requests. Units allows us to combine OOP and Threads seamlessly.


The http server is actually only a socket server with custom http peer.


Peer is name that we give to the managed threads of the server. Simple http peer is similar to: http://www.core.gen.tr/projects/core-server/src/peers/http.lisp

== Installation and Support ==

The server itself can be installed on to several different linux distros ie: Gentoo, Debian, Pardus and Ubuntu. It currently runs only on SBCL but we've isolated the threads and sockets code to make it portable in future.

Core-serveR installation is done very easily via installer script called core-server-installer which can be found at

Further distro specific documentation can be found at: http://www.core.gen.tr/projects/core-server/doc/

If one runs installer as user, server run as user on port 8080. Once one runs installer as root, core-server would gracefully configures apache, mod-lisp and several other unix services like sudo. This allows us to manage apache virtual hosts inside the server. Configuring other systems is not much pain anymore. Also, we can have webdav enabled applications in few seconds, see the template apache config:


== Web Component Framework ==

We've done lots of projects on web to accomplish very simple tasks and to get reusable, simple, fast and efficient results. Finally we propose a new and simple javascript based web framework which employs continuations and OOP.

http://paste.lisp.org/display/52919 URL shows the basics of the new component framework. It employs automatic proxy generation for server methods which employed k capturing. One may evaluate it here: http://office1.core.gen.tr/test/test.core (warning: no html output there, see firebug)

These methods allows developers to write methods of the component on the client side to make the application fast. JSOn is used to serialize/deserialize parameters and new dojo1.0 is used for XMLHttpReqs. Simple requests can be done in <100ms since the protocol overhead is very small. Actually we had lots of debates on dojo but, the new api consists only 2 functions so switching to something (ie YUI) other than dojo would be painless. Here are two functions:

baseUrl = '/test/test.core';
function funcall(url, parameters) {
 var result;
 console.debug('server.funcall ', url);
 if (dojo.isObject(parameters)) {
   for (var param in parameters) {
     parameters[param] = serialize(parameters[param]);
({ url : baseUrl + url, handleAs : 'text', sync : true, timeout : 10, content : parameters, load : function (json, args) {
          result = eval(json);
}, error : function (err, args) {
          throw 'Funcall error: ' + url + ', ' + err;
        } });
 return result;
function serialize(value) {
 return dojo.toJson(value);

== Final Words ==

We did not commit the component framework yet but it'll be in the next week. Meanwhile, we would be happy to hear from friends to make core-server better. It's obvious that there are a lot more to go especially documentations. We'll try to handle these issues in future, so be ready!

Best Regards,
Evrim Ulu

bese-devel mailing list

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