Leszek Swirski wrote:
> I recently needed a div banner on a liquid width site to keep its height
> proportional to its width ...
> http://leszek.swirski.co.uk/proportionaldiv.htm
> It's quite a long write-up (my first!), but in summary you have two divs,
> #outer and #inner, which are styled as follows:
>       α = width required
>       β = height when width is 1 (height/width ratio)
>       #outer {
>               height: 0;
>               width: α;
>               padding-bottom: α * β;
>               position: relative;
>       }
>       #inner {
>               position: absolute;
>               top: 0;
>               bottom: 0;
>               width: 100%;
>               height: 1/α;
>       }
> So for a div width 50%, in which you want to keep a height-width ratio of
> 1:2, you'd have:
>       #outer {
>               height: 0;
>               width: 50%;
>               padding-bottom: 25%;
>               position: relative;
>       }
>       #inner {
>               position: absolute;
>               top: 0;
>               bottom: 0;
>               width: 100%;
>               height: 200%;
>       }


thanks for the interesting method.

I think you'll have to hide this IE/Win specific height of #inner from 
the others.

* html #inner {height: 200%;}


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