Michael Leibson wrote:
> Here's a very basic question (I hope!):  
> What is the most efficient way to display a non-inline image
> (eg, a logo) that will stand on its own (ie, with no superimposed text, etc)?
> As a 'background-image' within a div?
> With an inline style, with 'display' set to 'block'?  
>     (Eg, <img src="image.jpg" style="display:block; width: 100px; margin: 
> 0;">)
> If as an inline style, is there a way to define this back in the style sheet 
> - perhaps with an ID?
> Some other way?   
> I can't find anything that addresses this in Meyer's 'CSS-Definitive Guide'.
> Thanks!
> - Michael

If  the logo is purely decorative (no image text) then my guess is one 
would use a background image.

If the logo has image text then I guess you might call it from the 
source document (html); and, call the style for it from an external css 
file (rather than using inline styles). For example:
#header img {...}
And, then also provide some means for users,  with or without assistive 
devises (screen readers), to read the image text. This is one such 

I hope this answers your question.



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