Michael Forker wrote:
> Hi....
> havn't been on here in a while....hello....I am an Interactive Multimedia
> design student...havn't that much experience with CSS and I am having a go
> at doing my first site for a client....the problem is that with the layout
> in the pages when I put content into the various pages differing on each
> page....the layout columns at the bottom of the pages are not equal as in on
> each page the length of the columns are diiferent on the different pages....
> the left column...middle column...right column.....on different pages are
> different lengths.....tried adjusting the top:200px; rule which did work at
> the bottom of the column but shifted the position at the top.....the link to
> my site 
> is....http://ijsr32.infj.ulst.ac.uk/~10300205/index.html........portfolio
> page........current work link ( FIREFOX )
> If anyone can help would appreciate it a lot!!!!!!
> Mike

It is an interesting problem.
A simple solution is found here 
More complex solutions for creating this illusion may be found here 


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