Raumin "Ray" Dehghan wrote:
> Colleagues,
> does anybody have any recommendations of books and/or websites that explain 
> css
> layout in very simple, straightforward language?
> For example, i'm trying to understand why pixels seem to be easier to work
> with than percentages, etc.
> Thanks very much.
> -Raumin "Ray" Dehghan
> West Chicago Public Library
> West Chicago, Illinois


This is the only book on CSS that I have ever looked at and it is very 
simple, quite straight forward, and very practical:
<http://www.cookwood.com/html5ed/>. I think their is a list of books and 
other resources on the list wiki.

I suppose if you have fixed width elements, such as images in your 
layout, that fixed width layouts may be easier to work with tha 
percentage width layouts.  As the window narrows fixed width elements 
become difficult to keep from escaping their containers with percent 

But as I remember your layout (although I can't find your uri at the 
moment) and the difficulties you were having
had more to do with the fact that you structured your layout using 
absolute positioning. Float structured layouts work much better.
Your difficulty perhaps has less to do with CSS than a misconception in 
understanding the Web. It is a fluid medium. Absolute positioning is 
brittle and best avoid for the basic layout structure.

If you like, write me off-list and I''ll attempt to help you get your 
layout functioning cross-browser.



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