Rick Lecoat wrote:
> We know that text specified in px is a Bad Idea. What I want to know is:
> does the inability to resize px-sizedtext fonts in IE Win get inherited
> if the child text is specced in something else (ems, say)?
> Eg:
> body {font-size: 14px}
> h1 {1.8 em}
> Would the h1 still be non-resizable in IE Win? 
> Cheers;

If you know it is a bad idea, why would you do it?

Your example will likely goofy in IE because of an IE browser bug when 
specifying fonts in em. If you specify the font size in em you need to 
/declare percent on html or body/ (with so called em "guided" layouts no 
percent on html and no em on body is used, but further in the 
specification in percent is needed on a containing wrapper followed by 
em on selectors) to kill the bug.

This is a relatively common method of specifying text-size in em:

html {font-size: 100%;}
body {font-size: 1em;}
h1 {font-size: 1.8em;}




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