Omitade Adediran wrote:
> Hi:
> Just when you thought you were finished with me (scary music, She's Back!!),
> I am submitting the second page for a check. This is the home page that goes
> with the other page I submitted. It has a slide show and some repetitive
> music and yes, I will work on an off button. It looks great (to me) in FF.
> There is a problem with the lining up of the titles under the thumbnails at
> the bottom in Opera and the font size goes larger than what I want in normal
> view. This is my attempt at columns and what happens in IE which, of course,
> does not run the slides is that the columns collapse on each other.
> As always, your help is greatly appreciated.
> Omitade


This new page has the same issues as the page you put up yesterday [1].

Try either page at screen resolution 800. Or at 1024, 1280, 1680 or 
higher with plus1 or plus 2 font-scaling.

One solution, as yesterday, is to start with a very simple structural 
layout that functions at most any window width on any broswer.






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