David Laakso wrote:
> Erland Flaten wrote:
>> I tri to make to lines of text to align justify inside a div. Text- 
>> align justify does not change from the default left alignment of the  
>> text.
>> http://www.nuna.no/malkladd.html
>> http://www.nuna.no/thrColFixHdr.css
> Erland,
> With single words you'll need to use letter-spacing rather than justify, 
> but /you'll have devil of a time/ getting both lines to come to the same 
> width cross-browser.
> Best,
> ~dL


This is a very quick pass at setting 100% on html, 1em on body, with h1 
& h2 in em and tweaking the font size(s). This may be easier than using 
letter-spacing, but as with letter-spacing there will be cross-browser 


In Firefox/Mac h2 (tagline) is shy of width compared to h1.

In Opera/Mac, Safari, WebKit, IE7 and IE6 are relatively similar-- h2 
(tag line) is wider than h1.



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