JGardner wrote:
> Hi,
> For whoever has a second (risky question :-)) could you test the drop down 
> function on the menu (there is only a drop down section under services).  You 
> can find the menu here - 
> http://www.jgardnerdesigns.com/web-design-services.htm
> It seems like sometimes in IE 6 when you hover over the drop down links they 
> disappear.  Please let me know if this happens to you and if so what browser 
> you are using.
> I am also still having the positioning problem in IE6 - the menu you will not 
> move over to the left as it does with FireFox, and IE7.  So if you see this 
> problem on a different browser please let me know.
> Thanks for your time.
> Jennifer

os x 10.4.01

I think the menu is as intended in safari, ff, and camino: but +1 breaks 
it in all. In opera, the menu is aligned left with the "about" block 
breaking left approximately 30px out of the outermost page container.

xp ie6 and ie7 on parallels/os x 10.4.01

In ie7 the link blocks break the top of the nav background band approx. 
8px. At text-sixe "largest" they break out the bottom of the background 

In ie6 the menu is the same as opera/mac (it is aligned and breaking 
left). And, as well, the link blocks break the top of the nav background 
band approx. 8px.

Sorry for all the bad news...




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