Richard Brown wrote:
> Hi David
> On 21/09/2007, David Laakso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Could you please check the following menu in IE6 and 7? I am told the
>>> menu is not behaving correctly.
>>> <>
>>> <>
> Many thanks for the reply. I have changed the subject to reflect the
> next question. What do folks do if they don't use the suckerfish
> option please? Any suggestions?

I don't know.  But if I had a dollar for fixing every problem with the 
"suckerfish"over the past few years on the css-d, wsg, and design-l 
lists I'd be a lot further ahead financially than I am at the moment.
I'd search for a menu that is known to work cross-browser /and test it 
rigorously/ to make sure it lives up to expectation; and, then adhere 
very closely to it.

As far a css solution a quick google search turned up (and there are 
more in the menu section of his site):
There are also scripting solutions for IE6.



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