David Bailey wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having trouble with a footer that's not behaving the same in  
> Safari and FireFox (Mac). I haven't been able to check it out in IE  
> Win as my pc is not working at present.
> http://www.dab-hand.co.nz/NZCFBS/3col.html
> http://www.dab-hand.co.nz/NZCFBS/styles/main.css
> David

Hmm. Forgive me, but it may be time to look at the "big" picture. The 
/page/ is not working in any os or browser the way I /think/ you intend. 
And there is more to it than which browser gets the footer "right" 
according to the w3c specs. In addition to the footer problem in 
compliant browsers, both ie 6&7 drop the main right column float, and 
have a footer problem as well. IE is known to have issues with some 
percent width layouts. The complicated methods used to position the 
content and the footer information (using percent) within a percent 
structure further confuses things for all browsers.

I may be one who gives up too early: but I have most of my hair (except 
what hasn't fallen out from age ).
A nice stable, robust, layout that works cross-browser (if you treat her 
with the grace and dignity she deserves):



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