J Hodge wrote:
> David,
> I always appreciate your input when I approach the CSS
> list for ideas / hints / helps, even when we don't
> necessarily agree on approach.
> That said, I've spent the last few days re-coding the
> site on which I am working, with a specific aim
> towards making it function better upon
> text-enlargement...trimmed]
> http://www.lostinxlation.net/sandbox3/index.html
> http://www.lostinxlation.net/sandbox3/css/primary.css
> ~~J.
> (treswife at gmail dot com)

J Hodge wrote me off-list regarding Re: [css-d] Cross-browser Display 
Issue / Problem With NOSCRIPT Validation


You are still having some text enlargement issues. Probably it is the 
absolute positioning and setting height to the wrong elements that's 
throwing you off.
Perhaps this will help to at least get you started [1] (very quick 
tested at +2 in compliant browsers and at text-size "largest in IE6 and 7).

[1] <http://www.chelseacreekstudio.com/ca/cssd/hodge01.html>



PS I don't think you can divide a pixel. And while hacks are sometimes 
necessary, becoming dependent on them is seldom a good practice.


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