William Ellis wrote:
> In ie5.5 and ie6 it garbages up so bad as to be unusable with
> flickering and mishapped blocks.  Even the page thumb is missing and
> I have never seen that.
> website: http://wildcotton.wrellis.net/test.html

For a start, at the very bottom of your stylesheet add...

@media screen {

* html .contentleft     div, * html .contentcenter div, * html .contentright
div {height: 1%;}

* {position: static;}

.footer {width: 100%; display: table;}

* html .footer {width: auto;}


The first rule adds a 'hasLayout' trigger to all divs inside the three
Seems to work ok, but triggering 'hasLayout' on that many elements is
usually an overkill with potentially negative side effects, so you may
want to reduce that to only trigger 'hasLayout' on the divs that really
gain from it and test thoroughly.


Second rule - you should immediately stop believing in rumors like this...
* {
position:relative;      /* rumored to help with some IE problems (other than
IE5/Mac. */
...and *never* add 'position: relative' to elements that don't need it.
What you have now is "complete overkill", and destroys IE6' attempts on
scrolling and rendering your page.

Reset that to default = 'position: static' - that is: delete 'position:
relative' as universally applied property/value.


Footer's fixed height becomes a limitation in good browsers - especially
when font-resize is engaged at user-end.
Third rule is turning 'height' into 'min-height' and preserves full width.
That 'width: 100%' disturbs IE6, so fourth rule resets it to 'auto' for
that old browser.


The whole thing is wrapped in an @media screen rule for good measure, so
it won't be picked up by IE/Mac and other very old browsers. If that's
not an issue, then the @media screen rule wrapper can be left out.

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