It may be possible to use floats to achieve your objective.

Here is a link to a demo using floats:

This uses two floats, one that is 16em wide by 8em high, and a blank that is
8em square. The image within the wide float is floated left and is given a
class to set the width and height of the image to 8em by 8em. This makes
sure the image is sized to fit the containing element and allows the image
to change size when the user re-sizes the text in the browser.

I have only tested this on a PC with FF and IE7, so not sure of results in
other browsers and OS's.


On Jan 31, 2008 10:15 AM, Kenoli Oleari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to create using CSS to make a page that looks like this:
> This page is a series of divs positioned somewhat like a checker
> board.  This page is created by CSS using absolute positioning within
> a div that is positioned relatively.
> For various reasons, I am interested in assembling the "checkerboard"
> divs using something besides position:absolute....
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