Ray Leventhal wrote:
> Hi all,
> Once again, our problem child is IE.
> The page at:
> http://www.cprtools.net/reg/regform1.php
> looks and performs as expected in Opera, FF2, Webkit28233 (Win, & MacOS 
> 10.5).
> IE7, is moving the topmost fieldset to the right edge of the viewport, 
> leaving the 2nd fieldset where it belongs.
> IE6 (WinXPSP2) is doing much the same as it's older sister, but leaving 
> some space to the right of the fieldset as compared to the viewport edge.
> I'm feeing first E.Meyer's reset.css 
> (http://www.cprtools.net/reg/reset.css), then styling with
> http://www.cprtools.net/reg/style.css after.
> Any pointers are, as usual, greatly appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> -Ray
For IE 6, try assigning a fixed width (try 800px) to your form#regform 
as well as text-align:left and margin: 0 auto .Change your fieldset 
widths to auto, and see if that doesn't help get you a little closer to 
what you're looking to do.

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