Tudor Hariton wrote:
> Highpowered wrote:
>> Reese wrote:
>>> I'm faced with an issue I worked around once before, it presents
>>> again with a new face so I'd like to find an ultimate cure, not
>>> make do with the cheesy work-around.
>>> I need a div container with div-class items that auto-fill left
>>> or right. Such that:
>>> Item1 seeks top-left position(possibly unique ID but this should
>>> be a source code issue - if it's at the top of the stack then it
>>> is at the top of the stack),
>>> Item2 fills a right position only if the left is non-empty,
>>> Item3 fills a right position only if the left is non-empty,
>>> Item4 fills a right position only if the left is non-empty, etc.
>>> The goal is left-to right recursive, in rows.
>>> Below, a crude ascii graphic. I've been through the CSS so many
>>> times and changed so many things, I'm getting lost and I'd like
>>> to start over. What can I do, to make "item" elements auto-fill
>>> in rows starting from top-left?
>>> Reese
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------/
>>> |Logo    | Header content area                                /
>>> |Area    |                                                    /
>>> |-------------------------------------------------------------/
>>> |Left    |  ----------------------- ------------------------- /
>>> |Nav     |  | Item 1               || Item 2                 |/
>>> |Menu    |  |                      ||                        |/
>>> |Item    |  |                      ||                        |/
>>> |Area    |  |                      ||                        |/
>>> |        |  |                      ||                        |/
>>> |        |  |                      ||                        |/
>>> |        |  ----------------------- -------------------------|/
>>> |        |  | Item3                || Item 4                 |/
>>> |        |  |                      ||                        |/
>>> |        |  |                      ||                        |/
>>> |        |  |                      ||                        |/
>>> |        |  |                      ||                        |/
>>> |        |  |                      ||                        |/
>>> |        |  ----------------------- -------------------------|/
>>> |        |  | Item 5               || Item 6                 |/
>>> |        |  |                      ||                        |/
>>> |        |  |                      ||                        |/
>>> |        |  |                      ||                        |/
>>> |        |  |                      ||                        |/
>>> ctrl^v
>> Have you tried using a <ul> to contain each Item as an <li>, and 
>> assigning definite dimensions to the <li>s and floating them left, or 
>> assigning display:inline to the <li>s? With each Item/<li> in either 
>> case, they will flow like that.
>> Starting with that in mind, you could take it further, and I'm thinking 
>> that what you want is a bit more complicated, and I've oversimplified or 
>> not understood what you're asking. I apologize for that if I have done that.
>> -HP
> If I understand it right... you could do this with every "item" in a div 
> with float: left;

You could, but surely as they're labeled "Item x" in the diagram, it's 
more suited to a list, anyway :)


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