On Apr 21, 2014, at 12:17 PM, David Hucklesby wrote:
> <http://galengidman.com/2014/03/25/responsive-flexible-height-sticky-footers-in-css/>
> I’m assuming you either don’t need to support IE older than version 8, or give
> those geriatric browsers a very simple “generic” style sheet.

Hi David,

        I remember running across that page in my search and trying it.  I just 
don't remember why I didn't go with it.  I'll try it again, but that way will 
add a lot more work for me.  I already reformatted quite a few pages before I 
realized that it wasn't working properly.

        It seems that there should be a way to 'fix' this.  I know it works, 
since I've tried it on a simple page, so it looks like I'll have to start 
stripping out other CSS to see what's interfering with the footer.  And I 
thought this was going to be a simple task! ;)

Thank you,

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