CV Radhakrishnan submitted the



Version number: 1.4
License type: lppl1

Summary description: Find difference between two PDF's

Announcement text:

This package shall be used to find differences between two versions of PDF's of 
same document.

We often encounter nightmarish scenario while generating
final versions of a long document when one or more of the following happens:

* New revised versions of packages used.

* Smaller changes to a fewer number of pages of a long document.

* No change in the document, but recompiled with revised page numbers as it happens during compilation of journal articles into an issue for printing.

* Simply you happened to retypeset for no reason and then you're forced to 
check each page for surprises.

Now you are left with the job of comparing the PDFs generated now and that of previous occasion and it is not fun. To make the job easier, pdgpagediff package is written.


This package is located at

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   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Ina Dau
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