Khaled Hosny submitted an update to the



Version number: 0.107
License type: ofl

Summary description: This is a beta-release of the font, though
        it is believed to be largely usable.
        (The author retains the right to make incompatible
        changes in the future.)
        The font covers the Arabic and Arabic Supplement blocks
        of Unicode 6.0, which means it essentially covers any
        language written in Arabic script and supported by

Announcement text:

Amiri 0.107 (2013-12-30)

 * New glyphs:

  - Arabic math letters from Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic
    Symbols block (U+1EE00–U+1EEFF).

  - Optional support for placing the kasra below the shadda,
    with “ss05” feature.

  - Missing proportional LTR digits in the slanted font.

 * Fixes:

  - Reverted the lowering of marks above wide isolated glyphs,
    it made the marks look weird relative to other ones.

  - Fixed the position of marks above qaf of قح.

  - Dropped the special combination in تمخ‍ when it is
    follow vowelled as it was too crowded.

  - Fixed the position of sukun over shadda.

  - Fixed the side bearings of ثر, ثن and sisters so that the
    dots do not clash with preceding glyphs.

  - Positive kerning between مرين and likes.

  - Slight kerning between the period and closing quotes.

  - Made sure the italic European digits are really tabular.


This package is located at

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   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Petra Rübe-Pugliese

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