-Caveat Lector-

 excerpted from:


 The Nimrod Bush

 The Christmas tree has an ancient history many centuries before
 Messiah was born.  The veneration and worship of trees as
 reincarnated dead human beings is as ancient as Babylon, the
 beginning of false religion.

 In the Bible, the worship of these sacred trees is called the
 worship of the grove.  The pagans would build their temples on high
 places and then plant the sacred trees representing reincarnation
 near their altars.  The *hex* or *hexagram* became a symbol of
 their high places and the ritual.  It remains so among the occult
 to this very day who trace their emblems and rituals to this
 ancient religion.  All of this was strictly forbidden by God:

 DEU 16:21 Thou shalt not plant thee a grove of any trees near unto
 the altar of the LORD thy God, which thou shalt make thee.

 We may notice by the above verse that there was to never be any
 tree planted (or set up) near the altar of God.  This was to keep
 pagan idols and false gods thought to be reincarnated in trees,
 from ever having a place anywhere near the worship of the true God.

 Up until the time of modern liberalism (since the mid 1800's),
 the grove was understood to be several evergreen trees planted
 in a circle and the temple laid out in the form of a hex (see
 Stonehenge), and therein re-enact the mysteries they believed
 started in Eden with the serpent and Eve.  So these high places and
 groves were a make believe Eden.  The holiness of sin Ministers
 (certain sins not sin any more), changed the interpretation of the
 grove from that of sacred evergreen trees to a totem pole.  Many
 Bible Dictionaries and Commentaries have since the mid 1800s led
 many to unknowingly adopt the Nimrod Baalmas Bush as a symbol of
 reincarnation to be set up along side the manger of Messiah.


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