Agree with almost all of your post, and hope I don't appear to be nitpicking, but the point is that the deepening psychological intimacy between two human beings is, according to RC teaching, only possible when the proper hierarchy of values is recognized with regard to marriage. As God, some say, is Love and therefore "had" to communicate His Love by "spreading" it through the creation of other beings, likewise, a man and a woman in love have been empowered to "express" their love by helping to create a new being -- the love child (to steal a phrase from Diana Ross). One sermon I heard years ago said that humans might not even be able to imagine this power (to co-create through sexual union) if God had not created us with this faculty.

(Commercial break: this post goes far afield in the next few paragraphs, but hopefully comes back to the topic, kindof -- so let me list a portion of the last paragraph to try and urge the reader to perserve: "If the Roman Catholic Church has really been a man-made concoction, then it is deservedly falling of its own weight as mankind "matures" . . . ")Back to the action:

Which brings me to an important point regarding Catholics and this matter. It's not only Catholics, but those occupying the structures of the Church, who are trashing the traditional teaching of the Church on marriage. There were 3 annulments granted in the United States in 1962, 3 years before Vatican Council 11 ended. (An annulments is where it is ruled that the marriage never took place at all, such as where a man already married in Kansas, goes to Brazil and "marries" a second woman while hiding from her his first marriage and wife. He did not have the capacity to contract the second marriage with one already in progress, even by civil standards.)

Today, annulments number between 25,000 and 50,000 PER YEAR in the USA alone. Why? Because since Vatican Council II (1962-65), the annulment tribunals have been granting annulments for PSYCHOLOGICAL incompatibility -- something almost every married man and woman can appeal to at one time or another, or maybe in most marriages at very many times. So no one ever knows if they're married or not until one or both parties are dead -- maybe not even then! You all may remember that Cong. Joe Kennedy (son of Bobby) was justifiably flailed in public by his PROTESTANT wife for his absurd seeking of an annulment (ultimately granted by the Vatican!) after they had had several kids -- just because he had found a new "interest".

Which leads me to some important research tips (at least in my judgement): the book The Broken Cross, Peter Lovest Thou Me?, The Rhine Flows into the Tiber, the writings of Abbe De Nantes (search on the internet for Catholic Counter-Reformation) --- these and other responsible authors talk about the more than massive problems in the Roman Catholic Church since Vatican Council II. Some of us believe that the John Paul II is not a true Pope, but an anti-Pope (there have been about 40 anti-popes, and about 260 true popes in the last 2000 years according to the Catholic Church, and that those sitting in the positions of authority in the Vatican and in the bishoprics throughout the world are "counterfeit churchman" by this time. All of this was accomplished by a coup de tat in the 1958 conclave against Cardinal Joseph Siri, the first man elected on Oct 26, 1958 following the death of Pius XII about a month earlier. (See Malachi Martin's book, Keys of This Blood, around pages 600 to 610 for a cleverly oblique account of what happened at this conclave, at which, Malachi has admitted elsewhere, he was present and therefore an eye-witness. Therefore, (parenthetically) despite my respect for Lloyd Miller and my eagerness to read anything he puts out, I don't believe there is any essential tension between the British Crown and the Vatican today, both being shills from the international banking establishment, although maybe there is some internecine fighting. The faction I side with believes that the Catholic Church is now in the position of the Jewish Synagogue right before the first coming of Christ, "The Scribes and Pharisees sit on the Chair of Moses"; although this is not to assume that the Second Coming of Christ is imminent, but, in harmony with the Book Catholic Prophecy by Yves Dupont, a Great Chastisement may be imminent after which the Church and society will be restored to its proper Christian Foundations, and an era of unprecedented prosperity will occur for at least a few generations, in harmony with the prophecies at Fatima, Portugal in 1917 (See Fr. Gruner and Fatima Crusader on the internet for books on this subject.)

I might also add here that my writings against "the Jews" on this list have to do usually with the unavoidable tension between Jews who reject Christ (usually, in my experience clearly understanding their position) and Christians who retain much of the traditional Christian doctrine and either do understand their position, or are, more likely, are still acting on what has been passed down to them from their parents, but do not really consciously support the premisis on which their position is founded (this accounts for the continual drift of Christians into liberalism and Libertarianism, because they are often converted after running into an articulate advocate of those principles who pry them away from their principles, tenuously held in the first place. Anyway, this tension between Christians and Jews is primarily what Fr. Fahey's books are about, he holding that this tension is in the nature of things due to the reality of the Messiah having come 2000 year ago.

High level, international intrigue is another matter, involving only a handful of people, relatively speaking. It is this smaller groups of, primarily top-level Jews and top-level Masons, that I refer to when talking about international banking. So when we talk about the Vatican being co-opted by the forces of International banking in 1958, I hope it is clear I am not pointing a finger at any large group, the Jewish people or anybody else. Naturally, the "great men of the earth" want to control every government, including the one in Vatican City. So . . .

If the Roman Catholic Church has really been a man-made concoction, then it is deservedly falling of its own weight as mankind "matures" ?? -- on the other hand, if the Roman Catholic Church is divine -- it will rise again unexpectedly and gloriously, after a chastisment, so that even the greatest doubters will be inspired to believe. Stay tuned . . . . .

Jim Condit Jr.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
> Behalf Of Gerald Harp
> Sent: Friday, January 01, 1999 1:29 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] June Learning About RC teaching on Birth Prevention
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 1/1/99 3:59:19 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > God in this world so as to be happy with Him in the next for
> all eternity.
> >  The second, but subordinate, end of marriage is for the mutual
> support of
> >  the spouses and to allay concupiscence (libido).
> This is the teaching but is it complete?  Catholics are mostly
> ignoring the
> prohibition on artificial means of birth control.  What the
> Church teaching
> does not seem to account for is the benefit of a deepening of
> psychological
> intimacy between responsible adults that comes about through having sexual
> intercourse.  The big problem is that folks are not measuring up to the
> greater responsibility of sex with birth control.  Society becomes more
> hedonistic and unmindful that pregnancies occur even with birth
> control devices
> and that, as the cliche goes, you are sleeping with whoever your
> partner is
> sleeping with so that STDs are having a field day.  Of course the
> let it all
> hang out attitudes especially prevalent among the young
> unmarrieds of 15-25
> years don't help.
> Jerry
> ==========
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list.
> Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are
> sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections
> and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and
> minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always
> suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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