-Caveat Lector-

Linda Minor wrote:

>>Now,  in  her  latest  communique,  Mills'  source  has  revealed
>>something  so  inherently  obvious  that the wonder is it was not
>>discerned until now.  He is quoted as saying, "The Euro goes into
>>effect today.  Once this  happens,  kiss  good-bye to the Federal
>>Reserve."  With the advent of  the  "Euro,"  a  unified  European
>>currency,   the  U.S.  dollar/Federal  Reserve  Notes  face  real
>>competition as the world's reserve currency of choice.
>Repost from last year:
>Subject: Occult roots of the EU - EU as Hitler's legacy
>From: peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tue, Jan 6, 1998 1:25 PM
>Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>No doubt Europhiles will dismiss this interesting connection. Hitler's
>Plan for Europe was to establish a Europe of Regions.  The plan for the
>European Community or the  "Europaischewirtschaftgemeinschaft" was
>published in 1942.  This has been dismissed by Europhiles, and since any
>mention of the EU being a parallel to Hitler's plan produces the
>accusations of xenophobia, Germanophobia, etc. let's introduce another


        Bruce Rich in his book on the World Bank, Mortgaging The Earth,
        relates that the original plan for the World Bank was an idea
        of Hjalmar Schacht, the Nazi finance minister. It was broadcast
        as Nazi propaganda so the British went to John Maynard Keynes to
        come up with a better idea; he frankly admitted that he couldn't,
        so they doctored Schacht's plan a bit and spun it off as their
        own concept.

        The original Nazi (and Allied) plan for the "World Bank" (if I'm
        not mistaken there is no organisation called the World Bank -- it
        still officially goes by its original title: The International
        Bank of Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] ) bears no resemblance
        to the monster we see today. It was originally designed to rebuild
        Europe after the devastation of WWII. When this was pre-empted by
        the Marshall Plan its original president, John J. McCloy, a regular
        Mr. Fixit for the powers-that-be, would go on to become High
        Commissioner for Germany just in time to commute a few death sen-
        tences and exonnerate Krupp, Farben et. al. (Later, of course, he
        would sit on the Warren Commission and pave the way into China for
        Nixon/Kissinger/Bush/Clinton). The bank was converted to its
        current purpose of making sure that a steady flow of resources
        *and* capital moved from the Third World to the First.

        It has been some time since I read the book but the date 1942
        (as given for the Europaischewirtschaftgemeinschaft) sounds
        about right for the "World Bank" plan as well.


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