-Caveat Lector-

Hoffman's written some very good articles in the past, "The Mad Mullah's"
being my personal favourite, but on other occasions, such as the one below, he
seems to be too self-involved and pre-occupied with waxing poetic than taking
a serious look at a subject which seems to merit taking precautionry measures.
Wheather it's a contrived disaster or not, it helps little to write "artsy"
articles about how easily "spooked" the "sheople" are without offering any
insight or evidence that he's accumulated which shows it's all B.S. I hope it
is all hype and overkill, but then again nobody knows for sure, and to be
without power for even three days (which I was a couple of years ago) is
*extremely* inconvenient and frustrating. Will the wise and flippant Hoffman
be purchasing a home generator in the next few months? Gavin.

<< From: Campaign for Radical Truth in History <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: THE HOFFMAN WIRE: Apocalypse 2000
 Date: Thursday, December 31, 1998 2:03 AM

 T-H-E  H-O-F-F-M-A-N  W-I-R-E
 No. 115                                                  Dec. 31, 1998

                       Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
        Published by the The Campaign for Radical Truth in History
                           Coeur d'Alene, Idaho


                            Apocalypse 2000

 As we approach the Year 2000 and millennial madness begins to manifest
 in all its amusing pagan frenzy, I am not so much interested in the
 claims made for what shall or shall not transpire after the great
 chronological divide has been crossed, but rather in what people believe
 about those claims.

 There may be little of consequence in the claim of industrial and
 technological collapse on Jan. 1, 2000 but if people believe a
 catastrophe will occur, they will by their own volition and credulity,
 make it come to pass.

 The widespread belief in and resulting panic associated with the Y2K
 doom scenario indicates an enormous fatigue. The denizens of the
 technological imperium are weary of their gadgets and believe they
 should be punished for using them, so they conceive of a world reduced
 to the Neolithic.

 I do not believe that a population of superior people would have any
 significant difficulties with “Y2K” since the history of the West is the
 history of surmounting technological difficulties.

 I have seen some hint that a technological remedy to the Y2K computer
 glitch has been at hand since last summer but is being withheld.

 But aside from that, I am fascinating by the emergence of the cult of
 limitation which accompanies the mob reaction to Y2K.

 Suddenly man is paralyzed by two zeros.

 Two zeros in a Unix system will collapse western civilization.

 What a complete reversal of the spirit of ‘69, which saw German
 scientists Arthur Rudolf and Werner Von Braun place men on the moon.

 Yet this new sense of limitation is not all bad. It signifies a profound
 anxiety over the direction of our technological imperium as it grows
 increasingly alien and artificial, particularly in the pharmaceutical
 usurpation of agriculture and the growth of gene-manipulated modern

 But these appropriate concerns are being manipulated and diverted into
 mob panic. Monsanto and the other corporations who are at present the
 equivalent of the city-states of Medici Italy--that is to say, nations
 unto themselves on the British East India model--will emerge stronger
 after the Y2K millennial panic is in full swing, as will FEMA and the
 other departments of the Federal leviathan.

 The rulers of the age require chiefly one form of energy from the
 masses: fear.

 The chief agent of these rulers in our time is the American right wing,
 the greatest repository of fear and fear-mongering rumors, which almost
 always concern the alleged enormous power of our rulers and the dark
 fate they have in store for us.

 Being cowans and dupes, these rightists have no “knowledge of the
 equilibrium,” no knowledge that fear is the glue that holds the Evil
 Empire together.

 More than an adhesive, fear is a magnet, attracting precisely that which
 is most feared and bringing it into materialization as reality.

 It is for this reason that the Hebrew Bible states, “Fear God and you
 need fear no other.”

 But the American right wing is a cesspool of fear--fear of the U.N., the
 FBI, Bill Clinton, the “Jews,”  and the media. They have woven these
 disparate forces into an invincible web of power over themselves and
 constantly imagine impending doom and gloom.

 Without even knowing it, the Right is practicing pagan sorcery by just
 such means. I have just described the mechanics of primitive witchcraft,
 or perhaps we should call this self-fulfilling prophecy, “wishcraft.”

 It has been used by harlequin hucksters at market stands of the Middle
 Ages and in our day by Gallup  pollsters, Madison Avenue advertisers and
 a legion of agents planted deep in the right wing as well as in the
 pulpits of Judeo-Churchianity, both Catholic and Protestant.

 To the historian this “End Time” situation is so familiar as to be

 On December 31 of the year 999, at the steps of the old basilica of St.
 Peter’s in Rome, a throng of weeping, cowering and trembling peasants
 awaited the end of the world. They fought with one another and tore at
 each others garments. Some had purchased various amulets and “relics” at
 great cost to ward off the impending “doom.”

 Others had abandoned their homes in the towns and joined strange sects
 preaching the end of civilization as it was known.

 When Apocalypse 1000 dawned on Jan. 1, it entered history with a
 whimper, rather than a bang and certain crypto-political forces centered
 deep within the Vatican and the royal houses benefited handsomely.

 In 999 Europe experienced war, corruption, immense political instability
 and a frenzied vision of Apocalypse hurtling toward the abyss. The
 masses were drunk on elemental fears which the chess masters of the
 early Middle Ages were able to harness to their own ends.

 The soothsayers and sorcerers and hucksters of our own terminal 1990s,
 clothed in the raiment of Christian wise men, brilliant secular
 scientists and insightful pundits have begun to stampede the herd into
 running over the  Apocalypse 2000 cliff by way of the Y2K road to ruin,
 which they have been taught to believe is inevitable.

 Laugh, one must, at this spectacle, for just over the shoulders of that
 vast herd, is a sylvan road strewn with the flowers of spring and the
 eternal love of God’s creation where men and women sow joyous seeds of a
 fertile future.

 The choice is always ours. To see man choose hell over heaven must be a
 source of mirth rather than sorrow, for in the final analysis, we must
 affirm that which the greatest heroes of our western heritage taught and
 more importantly practiced. It is a history we have forgotten because
 real history is difficult to hear over the din of prancing hooves.

 The lost history is this: the future is what we make it and what we
 decide it will be. This was the “Iron Will” philosophy that made the
 West and built Western Civilization against all odds.

 If we concede our will and  the vision of the future to others, then we
 are slaves and must not scruple to be amazed or forlorn when those to
 whom we have cast the precious pearls of our own destiny use their
 psychological warfare expertise to toss our future on a dung heap of
 darkness, dread and destruction.

 What millions of so-called “Christians” seem to forget, is the fact that
 as Christ lay impaled upon the Cross, he said, “It is finished.”

 The ultimate battle is finished, The victory is ours.

 Apparently the tallest order for some people, is to live joyfully in the
 knowledge of this love and this victory.

 Rest assured you will get what you expect to get and for having desired
 as you do, what you get will also be what you deserve.

 There are no alibis, for contrary to the fantasies of slaves, the
 universe is just.

 When enough of you know this we will have the world we claim that we

 1,000 AD, 2000 AD, the rigged numerological wheel spins apparently
 random efflorescences of the quotidian and the masses are snared in
 error instead of Truth.

 The huckster witch (declaiming from the book):

 See, thus it’s done!
 Make ten of one, And two let be, Make even three,
 And rich thou’lt be.
 Cast o’er the four!
 From five and six
 (The witch’s tricks)
 Make seven and eight,
 ‘T is finished straight!
 And nine is one,
 And ten is none
 This is the witch’s once-one’s-one


 She talks like one who raves in fever.


 Thou’lt hear much more before we leave her.
 T’is all the same; the book I can repeat,
 Such time I’ve squandered o’er the history:
 A contradiction is thus complete,
 Is always for the wise, no less than fools,
 a mystery.
 The art is old and new, for verily
 All ages have been taught the matter--
 By Three and One, and One and Three,
 Error instead of Truth to scatter...

 [Goethe, “Faust,” Scene six].

 On the eve of 1999, let us pray that humanity will awaken from its
 dream, cast off the pagan numerology of the huckster witch, face the
 future with confidence and forge the Jubilee of truth, liberty and
 prosperity which God intends for His people.

                         Michael A. Hoffman II

 Hoffman is the author of “Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare” a
 127 pp. paperback book available for $15 in the US and $20 overseas,
 from Independent History, Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816

 ++++++++++++++++++++ >>

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