
 "Bad news, BAD. Bad things not happen. This America. Bad things not happen in America. "

or here's the text, if you will view full screen, the formatting should be ok, maybe...kinda like y2k itself...on the link, there are responses to Paul's post on Ed Yourdon's BBS. Excellent site for Y2k, I might add.


     From csy2k - a dose of reality, folks....... . . . .

     From GN's site:

     Comment: People reject bad news. They assume that bad events are abnormal and good events are normal. They think they
     deserve good news. So, they reject bad news. They put it out of their minds. They get angry at anyone who sells warnings of
     bad times ahead. As the prime law of infomercials says: "You can't sell prevention. You can only sell cures."

     For three decades, 1965 to 1995, senior men in the IT deparments feared telling senior management that a disaster was
     coming in 2000. They knew what the reactions would be. "That's crazy." "We'll wait until 1998 to fix it." "You're fired."

     A few companies got started in 1995. Citibank did. Chase Manhattan Bank did. Neither is compliant today. 1995 was too late.

     If it was too late for the banking system, it's too late for everything else.

     If the phone companies go down, the banks go down, and so do the power companies. The phone companies are far behind
     the banks, according to this report.

     Most companies have deferrred implementing a multimillion dollar repair.

     Now, having waited, it's too late. Corporate officers are now admitting that some processes won't be compliant. Which ones,
     they refuse to say. Later this year, insider selling of corporate shares will begin. That will be the sign that the end of an era is
     upon us.

     You have a head start. Don't lose it. It's almost gone.

     This is from FOX MARKET WIRE (Jan. 2).

     * * * * * * * * * *

     The new millennium and its much-anticipated computer bug is still a year away but many U.S. companies are already
     throwing in the towel.

     They admit they won't be ready.

     Companies are beginning to make such frank statements on Y2K risks to cover themselves against possible securities litigation,
     analysts said. The statements also provide ammunition for their own suits.

     Companies such as Chevron Corp. and AT&T Corp. say their systems may be vulnerable to significant failures as they
     grapple with the Year 2000 date change. McDonald's Corp. and DuPont Co. are more confident their machines can handle the
     date change. They are less sure about those of suppliers and local governments. . . .

     "The fundamental cost of Y2K is the risk of business interruption,'' said Jeff Ray, a vice president at Compuware Corp., a
     leading software testing company.

     Companies have still not done most of the tedious and costly work to fix Year 2000 computer bugs.

     "It appears that over half the work will be crammed into 1999,'' said Steven Hock, chief executive of research company
     Triaxsys Research LLC. . . .

     As companies realize they and their partners may not achieve full compliance, they are planning back-up systems and looking
     for alternate vendors. . . .

     The technologically complex telecoms sector ranks dead last among all other industries in progress toward completion of Y2K
     projects, according to Triaxsys. Also behind are the utilities industry and the energy sector. . . .

     Industries leading the race are banking, securities and insurance, all of which began looking at Y2K up to 10 years ago largely
     because of regulatory requirements. Most telecom companies only began looking at the issue two to three years ago. . . .



     From the above article , you can see that the work is not getting done, it has not been done and it will not be done, in time.

     However, we have relative newcomers like Preston Crawford and Reg Smith and ZB who have read, oh, I'd say about one
     one thousandth as much about Y2K as some of us. Are they entitled to their opinions, yes. We are not discussing that
     'entitlement'. We are discussing the veracity of the opinions. They can not discuss the issues, because the conclusion is bad
     news. In their neanderthal minds they say, "Good news GOOD, Bad news, BAD. Bad things not happen. This America. Bad
     things not happen in America. People who say bad things happen, "BAD" people!"

     I understand their 'anger and their hatred and their intolerance' of the truth.

     More than a year and a half ago, I said that they were not moving fast enough. They said they were 'serious'. Yet the bulk of
     the Fortune 500 had not even finished assesments until THIS year. The federal government had a budget of $1 billion dollars.
     I laughed at that. Yet these were seasoned proffessionals. EXPERIENCED and COMPETENT professionals. They budgeted
     $1 billion for 75,000 systems. Do the math. I sat down with a piece of paper with my nine year old sona nd we went through
     it so that he would understand. He laughed and said that there was not even close to enough money to do even a quarter of
     the systems . Boy, was he right. A nine year old kid. Who was I to suggest that they were so wildly off base? Now, they have
     budgeted $6.5 Billion for only ten percent of the original number of sytems. In other words, the original budget should have
     been about 65 times bigger. They are off by a magnitude of 65+ . These allegedly competent and responsible and serious
     people were off by a factor of 65. Imagine how competent you would think your mechanic was if he told you your
     transmission would cost you $32,500 dollars instead of the original $500, because that is the degree of their error in real world
     terms. Mind boggling isn't it? But the pollyannas do not care. They march on. Bad things Not happen in America. The one
     profession with about the WORST track record of performance and they under budget by a factor of 65, they start years too
     late, don't staff up, miss schedules, slip milestones, fake SEC reports, lie to customers/vendors, but everything will muddle

     A year ago they all swore they would be done by December 31 1998. They had a whole year and they ridiculed anyone who
     said otherwise. "Who are you to say that we can not get the coding done in a whole year? Why you intolerat 'hater'. You just
     'want' us to fail, don't you?" No, it is just plain common sense in an industry that can never ever meet its schedules and
     obligations on an historical basis, to believe they will this time either. And they have not. Over half of all small and medium
     sized business has not yet begun. Over 40% of big business has not yet spent half their proposed budgets, and 30% of them
     hald spent less than 25% of their budgets. This is not getting the job done. This is MANIFEST failure in an industry that can
     not pull from behind at this late date. Throwing money at it does not help. Adding people makes it worse.

     All of these companies that a year ago scoff at the notion that they wouldn't be done by the ned of '98 are NOWHERE in
     sight. Where are they all? Supposedly thousands of them. Where are all the announcements? None to be heard. Pollyannas
     just roll along. "No bad thing happen here."

     We all know that testing is the most time consuming, costly and single most important part of the job. As a whole, that point
     has not yet been even close to reached. But, pollyannas who ought to know better, ignore this. At very best errors wil be
     introduced as coding proceeds and not even close to all the bugs will be found. Even AFTER code remediation, the code is
     NOT remediated. It is only half done. It is still broken. Right now, better than 90% of all the systems and code in the world
     are still broken. Do you realize that?

     Embedded systems. A problem equal to or greater than mainstream It problems. Yet, overall, less than 2% of all It money has
     gone to it. 1/50th of the money for a problem of equal or greater magnitude. Do you see a problem there? Not if you are a
     pollyanna, you don't.

     But, the pollyannas blithely ignore this chanting their "This not happen here," mantra. We're American! We'll fix it in time. But
     there is one thing that they forget. If we fix these thing by virtue of our being 'Americans' then how does the rest of the world
     do it, not being Americans? Do the Pakistanis have an equivalent of the "Seventh Cavalry"? Is there a Zimbabwaian John
     Wayne? Nope. Most of the code is out there in the rest of the world and it is not getting fixed. Just because you are sitting in a
     diner in Terra Haute drinking a cup of coffee, do not think for a minute that you would be drinking it if it were not for the
     technology to get it here from Columbia and to have it processed and marketed and delivered to you.

     Japan is more than TWO YEARS behind us in remediation. Please say that to yourself OUT LOUD. Go ahead, say it. No. I
     didn't hear you. TWO YEARS! That's better. Japan, net impoter of food. Japan imports 100% percent of its energy, Coal, Oil
     etc etc. Germany gets forty percent of its power from Russia. Russia has ZERO Y2K budget. China BEGAN electric utility
     remediation a month and a half ago. A problem that NOT ONE U.S. utility has acomplished in YEARS. And we have over
     8,000 of them. Brazil? Any south American or Central American country? All toast. Everyone of them. OPEC nations? All
     have their heads in the sand. Literally. All the eastern European countries, Balkan states etc.., Gone. France has not even
     passed the awareness stage yet.

     You see, none of the code in this country makes a whole lot of difference as far as the world's economy goes. Our economic
     well being is inextricably linked, now, with the rest of the world. We used to be an industrial power. Now, we are a 'service'
     based economy. We do not manufacture what we use. We import it. Not for much longer.

     But, it is more comfortable for the pollyannas to ignore all this and rely on their standard childishness. If you point out 'bad'
     consequences, then you 'must' have a malevolent intent. No one would talk about bad things that could happen unless they
     'wanted' those things to happen. They must be prejudiced or intolerant or haters of all that is good and noble and clean or
     thrifty, brave and reverent.

     Yes sir, if you think that not enough has been done to avoid catastrophe,why, you are nothing more than a bigotted narrow
     minded damnable misanthrope. Why we oughtta string 'em up!!!!! Don't hey know that chuildren will get hurt and that old
     ladies in nursing homes will be caught without help and that there are hundreds of millions of people that can not do anything
     to prepare??? Why those narrow minded haters of innocent Americans!!!

     This is all just pure bullcrap and nonsense, because the Pollyannas can not answer the issues. The FACTS and EVIDENCE
     are on the table. Not even a tiny portion of the big companies, the Fortune 1000 companies have gotten even close to
     finnishing thier code yet alone started full integrated test. And the majority of small to medium sized companies have not yet
     started. And the situation with the 75% of the code outside this country is even worse.

     Nothing that is presented to the pollyannas will cause them to reconsider. they will not do anything to substantially prepare.
     They will not get their families out of cities surrounded by thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people who are not
     prepared. They rely on the fact that EVEN if it gets bad, people will come out smiling, hold hands and help each other through
     a time of trouble.

     While some folks do help others on a very minimum and highly localized scale, historically, this has never happened over
     countries and continents. One people wars against another. When they do not have what they want or need, to live, one group
     attacks another.

     Not even fractionally enough to complete remediation has been accomplished. The remediation has already failed. It failed
     when they did not start early enough, budget enough and assign enough competent people. It was over when they said they
     would be done coding and beginning testing as of yesterday. They failed every milestone along the way. Now they are all
     saying that they will meet the march deadline. Some will. The overall majority will not. The same thing will happen as March
     turns into June and june turns into december. The very same way that pollyannas looked forward to Dec 31 1998 when it was
     Jan 1998, is the same way that they will look forward to Dec 31 1999 wnen it is Dec 30 1999. They will still believe there is
     enough time.

     And on that day, they will still have no evidence of any substantial amount being done. On Dec 1 1999, Triaxsys will put out a
     study showing that less than half of all firms have finished coding, much less testing, and the pollyannas will STILL think it
     will be OK. Peter de Jager will come out and say that while it is not common knowledge, testing *CAN* be done properly by
     competent people in less than thirty days. There *is* still enough time, contrary to what the doom and gloomers say. And Ed
     Yardeni will again give us the grim news that we might *Choke* have as much as .05% shaved off the GDP based upon
     absolutely no econometric model of which *he* is aware.

     These are the pollyannas. No bad thing will happen. 'disruption', possible. 'dislocation' possible. 'Temporary glitch', yessir.
     But, no bad thing will happen. Brown out, yup, rolling blackout, yup. Nothing worse than that.

     None of the code worth mentioning is ready, but nothing bad will happen. just remember the secret pollyanna response. That
     way you will not have to waste time thinking up response to the issues.

     "You are intolerant and you hate other people. You are obviously predjudiced and a bigot. You hate society and all people."

     See how easy that was. Now you don't have to know any more. Just copy that to your clip-board so that you can paste it for
     further use when you resond to the evidence and the facts.

     We will always have the prestons, and the reg's and the other Pollyannas. Peoplewho have done no research at all. People in
     possession of few of the facts. And they will snip out the whole of this post and childishly harrague on and on about one line
     out of context.

     And if you are the average newsgroup reader, then you will believe them. Because the average reader is an ignorant rube who
     could not think their way out of a wet paper bag.

     No skin off my nose. I'm ready.

     -- Paul Milne

     If you live within five miles of a 7-11, you're toast.

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