I've received private mail questioning X's focus on NSA's use of Christianity
for "accelerated resocialization" (brainwashing).

I asked X if other religions couldn't also be used by the NSA and he replied
that they indeed are, as appropriate in various cultures.

It would seem to me, though, that Christianity lends itself particularly well
because of its emphasis on punishment (I'm not an expert on religion, so
correct me if I'm wrong here).

Also, as X states: "The NSA prefers Christian chuches because the doctrines
allow 'God or Jesus to speak directly to the subject' and the negative
reinforcement can be attributed with Satan and the positive rewards can be
considered to be blessings from God thereby masking the NSA's technology and
processes." Might the same apply to Judaism and Muslim faiths (I'm not
with their practices)?

Let me be clear here that I am not addressing the validity of specific
religious, but only their effectiveness for behavior modification and
accelerated resocialization. I am also not attacking specific religions, only
pointing out their possible use by unsrupulous manipulators, which would
to me to include many priests and ministers who themselves also use such
brainwashing techniques for their own purposes (power, money, sex, future
reward in heaven, etc.)

Another effective tool for these purposes appears to be the use of new-age
processes, such as meditation (hypnosis) combined with subliminals for
delusions of alien visitations, out-of-the-body travel, mass hallucinations of
UFOs (as in Greer's UFO contact training), channeled entities, etc. X agreed
with that.

The Art Bell show and similar talk shows would therefore play a significant
(although perhaps unwitting) role in reinforcing these delusions.
Behaviorly-modified guests on these shows may be intentionally used by the NSA
to convey certain mission-related messages, increase paranoia (as in Dames,
Ghostwolf, Scallion, etc.) in the targeted populations, and further accelerate
substitution of magical (superstitious) thinking (such as "the quickening,"
psychic predictions, and remote viewing) for rational thought processes while
building up a large, controllable cadre of millions of mind-controlled
for future use. In some cases, the guests' connections with intel agencies are
blatantly overt, as in the case of Major Ed Dames, and one can suspect more
intentional manipulation to achieve psyop strategies, enhanced by their
intel-based inside track on planned future actions by U.S. or foreign

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