>  The Sell-Out of American Broadcasting
>  by Carlos Amantea
>      (a.k.a. Lorenzo Milam)
>  Calendar
>  The L A Times
>  Times Mirror Square
>  Los Angeles CA 90053
>  Dear Calendar:
>  When Bob Keeshan (in a recent interview in "Calendar,")
>  says, "We deregulated broadcasting back in the '80s..." I'm
>  wondering if we are talking about the same
>  broadcasting. Perhaps he is talking about radio and
>  television in Silesia, or Ouagadougou.
>       In this country, under the Communications Act of
>       1934, the government gave out broadcasting
>       permits for use by the public, for free. These
>       licenses were to be temporary, and were to be
>       renewed every three years.
>       However, over the years, American Broadcasters
>       --- using Congress, the courts, and the Federal
>       Communications Commission --- have created
>       eternal squatting rights on these frequencies. The
>       word is "sinecure."
>       Fifty years ago, with something called "The Blue
>       Book," the FCC tried to set a policy that
>       broadcasters who ignored their public service
>       obligations would lose their permits. That is what
>       we call true deregulation.
>       The Commission didn't get very far with "The Blue
>       Book." Congress, along with the networks and the
>       broadcast station owners, bludgeoned it to death,
>       and now it's just a fond memory for those of us
>       who had hoped that American radio and television
>       would someday pay attention to the needs of the
>       public, rather than the pocket-books of the owners.
>       Worse, what happened in the '80s was the
>       wholesale elimination of FCC requirements that
>       had been established to encourage dissent, to invite
>       a variety of voices onto the airwaves, to honor the
>       doctrine of fairness on all matters of public
>       importance, to set aside time (not just on Sunday
>       mornings) for healthy debate.
>       Now, under the rubric of "deregulation," every one
>       of these requirements has been dumped. Single
>       corporations can (and do) own hundreds of radio
>       and televison stations --- sometimes several in the
>       same city. This puts an effective end to the old and
>       wonderful concept of diversity in communications.
>       In addition, all radio and television stations have be
>       gifted with an eternal stranglehold over their
>       frequencies. For if you or I (or your innocent
>       writer) want to own a broadcast station in Los
>       Angeles, we have two choices. One is to ante up
>       $200,000,000 - $300,000,000 for a television license,
>       or $20,000,000 - $50,000,000 for a radio license. So
>       much for free speech.
>       The alternative for us is to file with the Federal
>       Communications Commission a "strike" application
>       --- one that would allow us to (for example) take
>       over Channel 5 from KTLA, or 1070 kHz from
>       KNX, or 103.5 mHz from KOST.
>       To do this, one must go through years and years
>       (and years) of legal hearings at the FCC and on
>       through the Court of Appeals. The burden would
>       be on us: to prove that we would actually do
>       something creative and good with that frequency.
>       Only a fool would attempt such a course. I know:
>       once, long ago, some friends of mine tried to take
>       over the license of KBAY in San Jose, to put in its
>       place a non-commercial "community" outlet.
>       Application was filed, and was fought over at the
>       FCC for ten years. And guess who won: the owners
>       who were doing background music? Or our group
>       --- who wanted to use the frequency for good,
>       thoughtful community radio?
>       You guessed it.
>       Anybody who wants to change American
>       broadcasting for the better has to remember the
>       key fact of government policy: that the Federal
>       Communications Commission is private property. It
>       was sold off, fifty years ago, to American
>       broadcasters. Lock, stock, and barrel.
>       For that reason, anyone who thinks "deregulation"
>       exists should think about doing kiddie shows for a
>       living. Which is exactly, I understand, what your
>       correspondent has been doing for a living.

The Sell-Out of American Broadcasting
by Carlos Amantea
    (a.k.a. Lorenzo Milam)

The L A Times
Times Mirror Square
Los Angeles CA 90053

Dear Calendar:

When Bob Keeshan (in a recent interview in "Calendar,")
says, "We deregulated broadcasting back in the '80s..." I'm
wondering if we are talking about the same
broadcasting. Perhaps he is talking about radio and
television in Silesia, or Ouagadougou.

     In this country, under the Communications Act of
     1934, the government gave out broadcasting
     permits for use by the public, for free. These
     licenses were to be temporary, and were to be
     renewed every three years.

     However, over the years, American Broadcasters
     --- using Congress, the courts, and the Federal
     Communications Commission --- have created
     eternal squatting rights on these frequencies. The
     word is "sinecure."

     Fifty years ago, with something called "The Blue
     Book," the FCC tried to set a policy that
     broadcasters who ignored their public service
     obligations would lose their permits. That is what
     we call true deregulation.

     The Commission didn't get very far with "The Blue
     Book." Congress, along with the networks and the
     broadcast station owners, bludgeoned it to death,
     and now it's just a fond memory for those of us
     who had hoped that American radio and television
     would someday pay attention to the needs of the
     public, rather than the pocket-books of the owners.

     Worse, what happened in the '80s was the
     wholesale elimination of FCC requirements that
     had been established to encourage dissent, to invite
     a variety of voices onto the airwaves, to honor the
     doctrine of fairness on all matters of public
     importance, to set aside time (not just on Sunday
     mornings) for healthy debate.

     Now, under the rubric of "deregulation," every one
     of these requirements has been dumped. Single
     corporations can (and do) own hundreds of radio
     and televison stations --- sometimes several in the
     same city. This puts an effective end to the old and
     wonderful concept of diversity in communications.

     In addition, all radio and television stations have be
     gifted with an eternal stranglehold over their
     frequencies. For if you or I (or your innocent
     writer) want to own a broadcast station in Los
     Angeles, we have two choices. One is to ante up
     $200,000,000 - $300,000,000 for a television license,
     or $20,000,000 - $50,000,000 for a radio license. So
     much for free speech.

     The alternative for us is to file with the Federal
     Communications Commission a "strike" application
     --- one that would allow us to (for example) take
     over Channel 5 from KTLA, or 1070 kHz from
     KNX, or 103.5 mHz from KOST.

     To do this, one must go through years and years
     (and years) of legal hearings at the FCC and on
     through the Court of Appeals. The burden would
     be on us: to prove that we would actually do
     something creative and good with that frequency.

     Only a fool would attempt such a course. I know:
     once, long ago, some friends of mine tried to take
     over the license of KBAY in San Jose, to put in its
     place a non-commercial "community" outlet.

     Application was filed, and was fought over at the
     FCC for ten years. And guess who won: the owners
     who were doing background music? Or our group
     --- who wanted to use the frequency for good,
     thoughtful community radio?

     You guessed it.

     Anybody who wants to change American
     broadcasting for the better has to remember the
     key fact of government policy: that the Federal
     Communications Commission is private property. It
     was sold off, fifty years ago, to American
     broadcasters. Lock, stock, and barrel.

     For that reason, anyone who thinks "deregulation"
     exists should think about doing kiddie shows for a
     living. Which is exactly, I understand, what your
     correspondent has been doing for a living.


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