-Caveat Lector-

Alamaine Ratliff wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> >From ArabicNews.CoM
> Saudi Arabia says convening Arab summit requires good preparations for
> success
> Saudi Arabia, Politics, 1/2/99
> Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz, Saudi Arabia's second deputy prime minister
> and minister of defense and aviation denied that Riyadh is hesitant toward
> attending an Arab summit.
> He said that Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Cooperation Council states want
> the summit meeting to have solid preparations and to be based on genuine
> efforts to serve the Arab and Islamic states.
> Prince Sultan renewed Saudi Arabia's refusal to use its territories to
> launch strikes against Iraq, saying "Saudi Arabia was never asked to and it
> will not agree on such a procedure."
> The Saudi prince said "I do not believe that there is an escalation between
> our brothers in Iraq and the United States, where it is a misunderstanding,
> and I hope that our brothers in Iraq could know their interests well, and
> so our friends as well, have to seek Iraq's interest.
> "In the end the solution will be that everybody has to stick to the United
> Nations and Security Council resolutions," he said, adding that his country
> opposes the escalation of the crisis and hoped to calm the crisis down.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Tariq Aziz accuses Crown Prince Hassan of intervening in Iraq's affairs
> Iraq, Politics, 1/2/99
> Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz has accused Jordan's Crown Prince
> Hassan of intervening in Iraq's affairs and criticized Crown Prince Hassan
> as well as of not denouncing last month's US - British military actions
> against Iraq.
> Aziz' stated that Crown Prince Hassan has committed the same fault as
> Jordanian officials who in return behaved as they were the regents of the
> Iraqi people.
> Crown Prince Hassan confirmed during the Arab parliamentarians' meeting in
> Amman last Sunday that Jordan hopes that Iraq's people could enjoy freedom
> and democracy.
> Aziz stated that during the meeting Crown Prince Hassan overlooked the
> topic about which they all gathered -- the US -- British military action
Hey! I thought this guy died in an aircrash last year.


> against Iraq.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Kuwait calls for final solution to Iraqi problem before it will attend a
> summit
> Kuwait, Politics, 1/2/99
> Kuwait's permanent delegate at the Arab League told ArabicNews.com that he
> informed Arab League Secretary General Esmat Abdul Meguid of his country's
> refusal to participate in any Arab summit attended by the Iraqi government.
> He said that as a precondition to any summit, there must be a reaching of a
> "radical solution" to the issues and problems resulting from the Iraqi
> invasion of Kuwait, problems topped by the issue of prisoners of war and
> the Iraqi recognition of Kuwait's borders according to the resolution of
> the United Nations Security Council.
> Kuwait's delegate also called for not raising the issue of "uplifting
> sanctions from the Iraqi government" in any Arab summit, as this issue is
> considered a UN Security Council's concern.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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