
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 21:12:42 -0500 (EST)
From: Charles Platt
To: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FC: AOL
silences Irish forum sites

Re AOL and Irish nationalist agitprop:

If a group of pedophiles pretended that they were merely interested in
discussing human sexuality, but in fact their group sponsored discussions
on the best way to seduce children, I wouldn't expect it to last long on
AOL. Likewise, we shouldn't expect AOL to tolerate a bunch of people who
pretend that they merely want to discuss general political issues relating
to Ireland, but in fact are dedicated to promoting terrorist tactics
against people whose religion happens to differ from their own.

The only thing that troubles me about the news item is that the terrorist
sympathizers won't admit what they are. I see similar tactics from staff
of the Worker's Daily (I think it is) who sometimes post messages on
nyc.general, purporting to report the news in an unbiased style and never
admitting that they're communists with a very specific political agenda.

Most pornographers have the honesty to admit that they are offering
pornography--and the initiative to set up their own web sites, instead of
trying to sneak into a family-oriented service provider and then whining
when they get caught. Writers of agitprop could learn from their example.


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