-Caveat Lector-

1999 to be an "interesting" year for China. Chinese Warlords anticipate the
slowdown will get drastically worse. Already millions of recent unemployed
and millions
of poor angry farmers.

South China Morning Post
Tuesday  January 5  1999
Big push to avoid unrest in 'key' year


Beijing is poised to hire up to 150,000 more paramilitary People's Armed
Police officers to maintain order throughout 1999, deemed by some cadres as
a make-or-break year for the Communist Party.

A security source in Beijing said that in internal meetings, President Jiang
Zemin and his colleagues had given more details on how to prevent unrest and
promote stability.
Mr Jiang was issuing his instructions in his capacity as head of the new
Temporary Leading Group on Rectifying National Affairs.

Mr Jiang said: "The party's political fortune in the 21st century may well
depend on whether we can maintain stability in 1999".

Most of the extra paramilitary officers would be recruited from demobilised
soldiers from the regular army.

Apart from pro-democracy activists, the leading group had identified three
groups of "dangerous people", the source said. They were underground
religious groups, illegal, wildcat trade unions and "social volunteers".
The last group, deemed "destabilising" by Mr Jiang, were considered
troublemakers who posed as volunteers.

They were active in areas such as fighting for workers' and consumers'
rights and environmental causes.

Mr Jiang and other leading group members had urged that maximum attention be
paid to preventing activists from forming national networks.

Instructions have been given to the police, the Ministry of State Security
and other relevant organs to detain dangerous elements "in good time" and to
speed up the judicial procedures for their subsequent imprisonment.

For example, dissidents who might stage demonstrations close to the 10th
anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown in June could be locked up
well beforehand.
Meanwhile, diplomatic sources have identified the other members of the
leading group, which is empowered to use resources under the party,
Government or army.
It comprises: alternate member of the politburo Zeng Qinghong ; Minister of
State Security Xu Yongyue ; Procurator-General Han Zhubin ; and Mr Jiang's
adviser on ideology and propaganda Xing Bensi .

Other experts sitting in on the meetings include scholars from the Chinese
Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

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