-Caveat Lector-

I have to admit that by reading this list I have become a little bit
frightened.. not by the theorized conspiracies or black-ops that are
constantly being reported, but by the frightening level of bad reasoning
used on all sides here..

In debate there is something called a "fallacy of association".
Associating Clinton's presidency with the Nazi's in Germany is an
obvious example of this.  No matter how bad Clinton is, Hitler's
government really wasn't all that much like ours.  Trying to tie the two
together is simply an attempt to paint them with the same brush.  They
are not the same.  Repeat after me.. They are not the same.

Also, to assume that there are monstrous, world-spanning unified
conspiracies is, in my humble opinion, ludicrous.  Let's face it, most
people work in their own interests.  We don't need informed conspiracies
to do most of the garbage we see out there today.  There need be no
conspiracy to impeach the President, just a whole lot of powerful people
who feel that they would be better off without him.  If each of these
people simply does what they can to get rid of him, even without knowing
that anyone else is doing the same, then he's in trouble.

This is not to say that there are not small 'conspiracies'.. agreements
between people to mutually work in their common interests.  I think that
many corporations work together in these kinds of 'conspiracies', even
though it may work against the public interest.  The thing to remember
though is that these types of 'conspiracies' rarely (although they
sometimes do) survive more than a few years or involve too many
'players'.. sooner or later the guard changes, policy changes or someone
gets caught.

Please remember that absolutes are dangerous here.  To claim that ALL of
a group of people control EVERYTHING is insane.  ALL of the Nazi's were
not responsible for the Holocaust.  Many were not even really aware of
what was going on.  Some were good and patriotic people.  Others were
heartless monsters, but ALL of them weren't anything.

ALL of the Jews were not innocent either.  There were collaborators
amongst the Jews.  There were also a whole hell of a lot of nice,
innocent people out there who died senseless deaths.  To claim that the
Jews had NO part in what happened is wrong.  I think that there was a
proud ethnic bond between SOME BUT NOT ALL of the Jewish people that did
tend to alienate them and probably made them easier targets for the
hatred of SOME BUT NOT ALL Germans at the time, but to claim that they
somehow CAUSED the Holocaust is as stupid as claiming that a rapist is
innocent because 'she was askin' for it'.  Trying to point at an
accusing finger at ALL members of a group is wrong.

Try these out for me..

"Freemasons are involved in the Illuminati!"
How many of you actually believe that their Uncle Joe is a member of a
huge conspiracy?  What is actually meant seems closer to..
"Some, but not all, Freemasons are involved in the Illuminati."

Or possibly..

"The Jews control the international banks."
The implication here is that all the Jews control all the banks.. Nope.
"Some, but not all, of the Jews control some (maybe even most) but not
all of the international banks."

If this is supposedly a research oriented list, then lets all try to use
language that actually makes sense instead of these emotional tirades.
I know it makes conspiracies less fun, but hey, I thought that this was
supposed to be about Truth.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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