Tripp: Maybe I Saw Missing Records

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Linda Tripp was the last person to see Vincent Foster
alive. She taped her young friend Monica Lewinsky, which led to the
investigation of a presidential affair.

Now, for the first time, Mrs. Tripp says she may have seen billing records
from Hillary Rodham Clinton's law firm in a safe in Vince Foster's office. The
White House had said the records were lost for a few years, but they
mysteriously turned up later in the White House residence.

``I saw what I now believe to be in the infamous billing records in that
safe,'' Tripp said in a deposition this week for the conservative legal group
Judicial Watch. The group made her testimony public on Thursday.

Mrs. Tripp, a Maryland resident and Pentagon employee, also said she may have
seen Mrs. Clinton's initials on the records.

Mrs. Tripp was secretary to Foster, the deputy White House counsel who
committed suicide in 1993. She told Judicial Watch that sometime in May 1993
she might have seen the billing records, but didn't realize what they were
until January 1996, when it was revealed in congressional hearings that the
records had mysteriously appeared on a table in the White House residence.

Whitewater prosecutors had subpoenaed the records two years before. The White
House said they could not be located.

``I wouldn't know a billing record if it hit me on the head,'' Tripp told
Judicial Watch, which has sued the Clinton administration on behalf of people
whose FBI files were gathered by the White House. The administration has said
the files were gathered by mistake.

But Mrs. Tripp said that after she saw a photo of the records on the news in
1996, she realized that what she saw in 1993 may have been the billing

``I don't recall having any clue what they were at the time, except that there
was something during the time that I saw it that made me believe it belonged
to Mrs. Clinton,'' Mrs. Tripp testified.

``I don't know if it was her initials or some notation, I don't know,'' she

The records detail Mrs. Clinton's legal work in the mid-1980s for an Arkansas
savings and loan owned by the first family's Whitewater business partner.

Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr has been investigating the Clinton's
Whitewater business deals since 1993.

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