Please review and forward to your interested contacts asap.  Below is also
posted at

This is the final plan for the second Global Crisis Solutions Conference,
scheduled for 10AM to 4PM on Monday, March 1, 1999, at the Alumni House at UC
Berkeley.  This will be a conference to foster solutions and alternatives to
war; that is, the Peace, full awareness and prosperity available from bridging
the understandings of new science and traditional spiritual insights applied
to solving today's social and environmental crises.

This is the final opportunity for you and your friends to help make sure that
this conference happens on the above schedule without delay.   I have received
a lot of encouragement and offers of outreach support over the last three
weeks on this, but now need firm commitments to make sure that it happens as
scheduled.   If advance ticket sales are not adequate by January 21st, all
will be refunded and the conference postponed or cancelled.  This is necessary
to confirm expenses can be covered on time.

The speakers whose availability and intent to participate have been confirmed
include Chris Conrad, Joseph Newman, Dr. Brian O'Leary, Michael Ruppert, Dr.
Fred Wood III,

and the Rev. Dr. Yusen Yamato.  Next I need commitments from those who will be
attending, setting up information tables, and/or offering their financial
support to this event as a benefit for the Global Peace Walk which will be
carrying the messages presented to the United Nations by September 16th and
walking from there to Washington, DC, for the October 24, 1999, "March for
Peaceful Energy" and "Rally to End Secrecy" events at the US Capitol.

I have received commitments from several organizations in the Bay area to help
with ticket distribution and from colleagues in Los Angeles to help with the
videotaping and internet telecast of this event.  I would like to have
produced this as a free program but the expenses, including renting the space
and hosting some of the speakers from out of town, requires a fund raising
formula as outlined below.

We expect to gain major media coverage leading up to and including this
conference in order to alert the general public to the critical problems and
available solutions associated with today's global social and environmental
emergency and to compel a public response to them in order to implement U.S.
National Policy changes which can ameliorate war, crime, nuclear and terrorism
threats, global warming, ozone layer depletion, the War on Drugs (including
the recently admitted US CIA involvement with the smuggling of hard drugs into
our cities to fund covert weapons sales for wars around the world, while the
bulk of our prison cells are being filled with non-violent hemp/marijuana and
drug offenders), etc. -- policy changes which need to be made in time to
prevent otherwise potentially imminent catastrophes.

Chris Conrad is an internationally recognized expert in the history and uses
of hemp/cannabis/marijuana, and in the adverse impacts of the US War on Drugs
on human rights.  He is the owner of Creative Xpressions, the Director of
Alliance for Commerce in Hemp (BACH) and the Family Council on Drug Awareness,
the Art Director of the Human Rights and the Drug War project,  author of
"Hemp, Lifeline to the Future", "Hemp for Health", and co-author of
"Shattered Lives:  Portraits from America's Drug War" (with Mikki Norris and
Virginia Resner),  "Human Rights and the Drug War" (with Mikki Norris and
Virginia Resner).  Chris' website is   He is also a
member of the Hemp Industries Association.   Chris edited Jack Herer's earlier
edition of "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" in which he put forth the evidence
that hemp was fraudulently outlawed as marijuana.   Chris has been a key
figure in the movements to legalize industrial hemp and medical marijuana in
North America.

Joseph Newman is a self taught homemade genius who has developed a widely
recognized rigorous mechanical theory of electromagnetism which led him to the
discovery of an energy machine that liberates energy as electricity and
mechanical (motor) power.  He and his supporters see this as leading to the
replacement of nuclear and fossil fuel power entirely with their attendant
dangers, costs, and pollutions.   Although some prejudicially believe that his
energy machine can't work because it "violates the laws of physics", he and
numerous scientists who have tested it over more than 20 years feel that its
explanation is consistent with correct principles of physics.  He has been on
numerous television shows and written up in many print media as probably the
most famous American new-energy technology inventor, yet the U.S. Government
still refuses him a patent even thought eleven Congresspeople introduced
separate legislation to give him a pioneering patent to override the reluctant
patent office.  His most recent tests in Arizona have produced results showing
the energy output of his machine to exceed the power that runs it by 200%.  He
will be discussing and demonstrating his device and offers a $10,000 challenge
for anyone to prove him wrong.   For more information see his website at

Cal Berkeley alumnus Dr. Brian O'Leary is a former NASA scientist/astronaut,
university teacher, science and energy policy advisor to four U.S.
Presidential candidates, author of over 100 technical papers and articles on
aerospace projects like the space station and of three books on the new
frontiers of scientific exploration including human consciousness (e.g.,
mental healing processes, psychokinesis, etc.), UFO's, and the free energy (or
new-energy) technologies such as the ZPE Zero Point Energy devices (whose
potential to replace nuclear and fossil fuel power was acknowledged in a May
12, 1998, letter from the US DOE as "the Holy Grail of energy research") and
the LENT Low Energy Nuclear Transmutation devices to neutralize radioactive
wastes.   Dr. O'Leary is a leading researcher into the "science/consciousness
connection" and actually conducts workshops in which people learn how to
perform psychokinesis such as the "cold melt" spoon bending for which Israeli
psychic Uri Geller was so well known.  Today's imminent new-science revolution
has inspired his new book-in-progress "Twelve Ways to Re-Inherit The Earth"
which includes the advocacy of legalizing hemp as part of an intelligent
forestry and agriculture policy.  More info on

Michael C. Ruppert is a former Los Angeles Police Department narcotics officer
who for over twenty years has been trying to bring to public attention his
first-hand knowledge of CIA complicity in the drug trade flooding our inner
cities with hard drugs as an apparent covert funding mechanism for the weapons
trade for destabilizing populations around the world for their economic
exploitation.  He has become a lead spokesman for the Crack the CIA Coalition
which has the endorsement of numerous prominent social activists and groups.
For more information on his work and the recently released volume 2 of the CIA
Inspector General's report acknowledging CIA complicity in the drug trade (a
report in danger of being intentionally obscured by the impeachment process)
see his website

Also a Cal Berkely alumnus, Dr. Fred Wood III, with the Computer Social Impact
Research Institute, now in his eighties, is considered the Father of Systems
Theory, was a member of the Manhattan Project, and he will be discussing his
comprehensive framework for a plan to guide the Earth from its present
condition to the condition of global peace and prosperity, a Global Peace &
Prosperity Cybernetics Program, as he first presented at GCSC1 at UC Santa
Barbara, June 1, 1997, a briefing for the Dalai Lama's science advisor.  Dr.
Wood has been lobbying the Federal Government to relax its secrecy grip on new
scientific energy technology discoveries whose peaceful uses are clouded by
potentially catastrophic military applications.

Rev. Dr. Yusen Yamato is a Buddhist Monk and Zen Shiatzu Meditation
Practitioner.  In addition to his Zen and Shiatsu lineages he is a
practitioner of the spiritual practice of the late most venerable Nichidatsu
Fujii (whom Mahatma Gandhi called his revered teacher, or Guruji, and took up
the same spiritual practice), a practice which he took up from his grandmother
who raised him with schooling in the monestary system of traditional Japan.
He was the coordinator of the Long Walk for Survival in 1980 and the initiator
of the United Nations 50th anniversary Global Peace Walk from New York to San
Francisco in 1995.  He has worked in the US for over 20 years networking with
the indigenous American spiritual leaders and has facilitated some meetings
between their representatives and His Holiness Dalia Lama who gave him a
personal blessing for the Global Peace Walk.  He has deep knowledge of eastern
cultures and a unique perspective and knowledge of the past two millenia
history including the overall role of the hemp plant outlawed in Japan since
1945 and previously a mainstay of the traditional economy.  He has dedicated
his life to the spiritual reawakening necessary for Global Peace Now!   For
more information on the Global Peace Walk or to join the
organizers/coordinators email group list <

Issues to be discussed at the conference will include abolition of nuclear
weapons, power, mining, and waste;  insights to ameliorate conflict (from wars
to violence in the cities);  inspirations for the advancement of human
capabilities and spiritual reawakening;  remedies for global climate change
including new-energy technologies and emergency plans to regreen the planet
while saving the remaining trees by the relegalization and widespread global
cultivation of the hemp/cannabis/marijuana plant for all of its many uses and
superior bioefficiency;  the reform of US drug laws to end the war on drugs,
reduce its crime, violence, prison industry, tax burden, adverse impact on
other countries, and eliminate the recently acknowledged CIA complicity in the
drug trade;  implementation of known remedies for addictions to drugs and
compulsive destructive behaviors (e.g., Ibogaine, see );  decreasing levels of
government secrecy about peaceful and military applications of new-energy and
new-science discoveries.

The main speeches will be in the Toll Room at the UC Berkeley Alumni House.
Refreshments will be provided in the adjacent Bechtel Room where individual
media interviews and equipment demonstrations may take place concurrently.
Speakers and support groups may display books, literature, etc., outside all
day on the patio for networking, book signing, etc.   Access to the patio will
be open and free for all, especially the UC Berkeley students.  The donations
for tickets to the inside events will be on the following basis:   Advance
Tickets:  $60 general admission, $35 students-seniors-low-income.   At the
door:   $75 general admission, $50 students-seniors-low-income.   Advance
group rates $50 per ticket.  All advanced tickets must be purchased by mail
and funds received (cash, check, or money order) by February 15th to receive
tickets back by mail, otherwise picked up at registration. Registration will
begin at 9AM, seats on first come first served basis.   Advance ticket orders
received before January 21st will receive, with ticket by return mail of
January 21st, a complimentary copy of journalist Jeane Manning's book, "The
Coming Energy Revolution", foreword by Brian O'Leary, the basic primer with
detailed bibliography on the new-energy or free-energy technologies.   In the
event of advance ticket purchase and ticketholder is subsequently unable to
attend, this book and a videotape of the entire proceedings will be sent
automatically at no additional charge.  Remember that this is a fundraiser for
the Global Peace Walk and your donations are greatly appreciated and needed
for its success.  Donations for tickets should be sent to General Agency
Services, PO Box 147, Tehachapi, CA, 93581.  Tax deductible donations for the
Global Peace Walk may be sent to the Yucca Foundation, PO Box 170245, San
Francisco, CA 94117-0245, and a receipt with 501(c)3 tax ID number will be
sent by return mail.  If you know a group who wants to put up a table or
booth, please encourage $100-200 donation as possible.

This conference is being sponsored for the benefit of the Global Peace Walk by
the DePalma Institue and dedicated to the memory of the late Bruce DePalma,
former senior scientist with the Polaroid Corporation, lecturer at MIT on
electrical engineering and photographic science, discoverer of the heretofore
unsuspected influences of rotation on physical properties that led to his
invention of the n-Machine "free-energy" generator duplicated in several
places around the world.  For more info, see
DePalma Institute will be represented at this conference by Andrew Mount who
dropped out of the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1988 to become
DePalma's administrative assistant until his passing October 4, 1997.  Andrew
is actively working on the development of a new-energy research center at
Capital Hills California in Tehachapi.  For more info on this, see

For more information on the organizer of this conference and the campaign for
a Global Emergency Alert Response, see

"We believe in the invisible good of the Almighty God, which we cannot see, as
a discipline of the mind in order to believe in the invisible good in other
people and to thereby bring it out" -- Most Venerable Nichidatsu Fujii 1978

"Correctly understood, Buddhism is not a religion but a science of mind" --
His Holiness Dalai Lama, Santa Barbara, June 2, 1997

"Start the day with Love, Fill the day with Love, End the day with Love --
This is The Way to God".    "Love All, Serve All",    Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Global Emergency Alert Response:  GEAR2000
David Crockett Williams                805-822-3309
20411 Steeple Court, Tehachapi CA 93561 USA
              with General Agency Services
      UNITED NATION   Global  Peace  Walk
Annually:   22apr Taos, NM, --->  Santa Fe 26apr
1999:  16sep New York -> Washington DC 24oct
2000:  15jan  San Francisco --> New York  24oct
           12feb Santa Barbara,  22feb Los Angeles
           22apr Taos, NM,  16sep Washington, DC
   ONE NATION, Aware of God as Love for All !
       GLOBAL PEACE NOW !!     Help Now !!!


<META content=text/html;charset=iso-8859-1 http-equiv=Content-Type><!DOCTYPE HTML 
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<BODY bgColor=#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>Please review and forward to your interested
contacts asap.&nbsp; Below is also posted at <A
<DIV><FONT color=#000000><FONT size=3>This is the final plan for the second
Global Crisis Solutions Conference, scheduled for 10AM to 4PM on Monday, March
1, 1999, at the Alumni House at UC Berkeley.&nbsp; This will be a
</FONT></FONT><FONT size=3>conference </FONT><FONT size=3>to foster solutions
and alternatives to war; that is, the Peace, full awareness and prosperity
available from bridging the understandings of new science and traditional
spiritual insights applied to solving today's social and environmental
crises.&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3>This is the final opportunity for you and your friends to help
make sure that this conference happens on the above schedule without
delay</FONT><FONT size=3>.&nbsp;&nbsp; I have received a lot of encouragement
and offers of outreach support over the last three weeks on this, but now need
firm commitments to make sure that it happens as scheduled.&nbsp;&nbsp; If
advance ticket sales are not adequate by January 21st, all will be refunded and
the conference postponed or cancelled.&nbsp; This is necessary to confirm
expenses can be covered on time.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3>The speakers whose availability and intent to participate have
been confirmed include Chris Conrad, Joseph Newman, Dr. Brian O'Leary, Michael
Ruppert, Dr. Fred Wood III,<BR></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#000000><FONT size=3>and the Rev. Dr. Yusen Yamato.&nbsp; Next
I need commitments from those who will be attending, setting up information
tables, and/or offering their financial support to this event as a benefit for
the Global Peace Walk which will be carrying the messages presented to the
United Nations by September 16th and walking from there to Washington, DC, for
the October 24, 1999, &quot;March for Peaceful Energy&quot; and &quot;Rally to
End Secrecy&quot; events at the US Capitol.</FONT></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3>I have received commitments from several organizations in the
Bay area to help with ticket distribution and from colleagues in Los Angeles to
help with the videotaping and internet telecast of this event.&nbsp; I would
like to have produced this as a free program but the expenses, including renting
the space and hosting some of the speakers from out of town, requires a fund
raising formula as outlined below.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3>We expect to gain major media coverage leading up to and
including this conference in order to alert the general public to the critical
problems and available solutions associated with today's global social and
environmental emergency and to compel a public response to them in order to
implement U.S. National Policy changes which can ameliorate war, crime, nuclear
and terrorism threats, global warming, ozone layer depletion, the War on Drugs
(including the recently admitted US CIA involvement with the smuggling of hard
drugs into our cities to fund covert weapons sales for wars around the world,
while the bulk of our prison cells are being filled with non-violent
hemp/marijuana and drug offenders), etc. -- policy changes which need to be made
in time to prevent otherwise potentially imminent catastrophes.</FONT><FONT
<DIV><FONT size=3>Chris Conrad is an internationally recognized expert in the
history and uses of hemp/cannabis/marijuana, and in the adverse impacts of the
US War on Drugs on human rights.&nbsp; He is the owner of Creative Xpressions,
the Director of Business<BR>Alliance for Commerce in Hemp (BACH) and the Family
Council on Drug Awareness, the Art Director of the Human Rights and the Drug War
project,&nbsp; author of &quot;Hemp, Lifeline to the Future&quot;, &quot;Hemp
for Health&quot;, and co-author of&nbsp; &quot;Shattered Lives:&nbsp; Portraits
from America's Drug War&quot; (with Mikki Norris and Virginia Resner),&nbsp;
&quot;Human Rights and the Drug War&quot; (with Mikki Norris and Virginia
Resner).&nbsp; <FONT size=3>Chris' website is </FONT></FONT><FONT size=3><A
size=3>&nbsp; He is also a member of the Hemp Industries
Association.&nbsp;&nbsp; Chris edited Jack Herer's earlier edition of &quot;The
Emperor Wears No Clothes&quot; </FONT><FONT size=3>in which he put forth the
evidence that hemp was fraudulently outlawed as marijuana.&nbsp;&nbsp; Chris has
been a key figure in the movements to legalize industrial hemp and medical
marijuana in North America.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3>Joseph Newman is a self taught homemade genius who has
developed a widely recognized rigorous mechanical theory of electromagnetism
which led him to the discovery of an energy machine that liberates energy as
electricity and mechanical (motor) power.&nbsp; He and his supporters see this
as leading to the replacement of nuclear and fossil fuel power entirely with
their attendant dangers, costs, and pollutions.&nbsp;&nbsp; Although some
prejudicially believe that his energy machine can't work because it
&quot;violates the laws of physics&quot;, he and numerous scientists who have
tested it over more than 20 years feel that its explanation is consistent with
correct principles of physics.&nbsp; He has been on numerous television shows
and written up in many print media as probably the most famous American
new-energy technology inventor, yet the U.S. Government still refuses him a
patent even thought eleven Congresspeople introduced separate legislation to
give him a pioneering patent to override the reluctant patent office.&nbsp; His
most recent tests in Arizona have produced results showing the energy output of
his machine to exceed the power that runs it by 200%.&nbsp; He will be
discussing and demonstrating his device and offers a $10,000 challenge for
anyone to prove him wrong.&nbsp;&nbsp; For more information see his website
<DIV><FONT size=3><A
href=""></A> </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3>Cal Berkeley alumnus Dr. Brian O'Leary is a former NASA
scientist/astronaut, university teacher, science and energy policy advisor to
four U.S. Presidential candidates, author of over 100 technical papers and
articles on aerospace projects like the space station and of three books on the
new frontiers of scientific exploration including human consciousness (e.g.,
mental healing processes, psychokinesis, etc.), UFO's, and the free energy (or
new-energy) technologies such as the ZPE Zero Point Energy devices (whose
potential to replace nuclear and fossil fuel power was acknowledged in a May 12,
1998, letter from the US DOE as &quot;the Holy Grail of energy research&quot;)
and the LENT Low Energy Nuclear Transmutation devices to neutralize radioactive
wastes.&nbsp;&nbsp; Dr. O'Leary is a leading researcher into the
&quot;science/consciousness connection&quot; and actually conducts workshops in
which people learn how to perform psychokinesis such as the &quot;cold
melt&quot; spoon bending for which Israeli psychic Uri Geller was so well
known.&nbsp; Today's imminent new-science revolution has inspired his new
book-in-progress &quot;Twelve Ways to Re-Inherit The Earth&quot; which includes
the advocacy of legalizing hemp as part of an intelligent forestry and
agriculture policy.&nbsp; More info on </FONT><FONT size=3><A
<DIV><FONT size=3><A href=""></A></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#000000><FONT size=3></FONT></FONT><FONT size=3>Michael C.
Ruppert is a former Los Angeles Police Department narcotics officer who for over
twenty years has been trying to bring to public attention his first-hand
knowledge of CIA complicity in the drug trade flooding our inner cities with
hard drugs as an apparent covert funding mechanism for the weapons trade for
destabilizing populations around the world for their economic
exploitation.&nbsp; He has become a lead spokesman for the <FONT size=3>Crack
the CIA Coalition &lt;</FONT></FONT><FONT size=3><A
<DIV><FONT size=3>which has the endorsement of numerous prominent social
activists and groups.&nbsp; For more information on his work and the recently
released volume 2 of the CIA Inspector General's report acknowledging CIA
complicity in the drug trade (a report in danger of being intentionally obscured
by the impeachment process) see his website</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3><A
<DIV><FONT size=3><A href=""></A></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3>Also a Cal Berkely alumnus, Dr. Fred Wood III, with the
Computer Social Impact Research Institute, now in his eighties, is considered
the Father of Systems Theory, was a member of the Manhattan Project, and he will
be discussing his comprehensive framework for a plan to guide the Earth from its
present condition to the condition of global peace and prosperity, a Global
Peace &amp; Prosperity Cybernetics Program, as he first presented at GCSC1 at UC
Santa Barbara, June 1, 1997, a briefing for the Dalai Lama's science
advisor.&nbsp; Dr. Wood has been lobbying the Federal Government to relax its
secrecy grip on new scientific energy technology discoveries whose peaceful uses
are clouded by potentially catastrophic military
<DIV><FONT size=3>&nbsp;<BR>Rev. Dr. Yusen Yamato is a Buddhist Monk and Zen
Shiatzu Meditation Practitioner.&nbsp; In addition to his Zen and Shiatsu
lineages he is a practitioner of the spiritual practice of the late most
venerable Nichidatsu Fujii (whom Mahatma Gandhi called his revered teacher, or
Guruji, and took up the same spiritual practice), a practice which he took up
from his grandmother who raised him with schooling in the monestary system of
traditional Japan.&nbsp; He was the coordinator of the Long Walk for Survival in
1980 and the initiator of the United Nations 50th anniversary Global Peace Walk
from New York to San Francisco in 1995.&nbsp; He has worked in the US for over
20 years networking with the indigenous American spiritual leaders and has
facilitated some meetings between their representatives and His Holiness Dalia
Lama who gave him a personal blessing for the Global Peace Walk.&nbsp; He has
deep knowledge of eastern cultures and a unique perspective and knowledge of the
past two millenia history including the overall role of the hemp plant outlawed
in Japan since 1945 and previously a mainstay of the traditional economy.&nbsp;
He has dedicated his life to the spiritual reawakening necessary for Global
Peace Now!&nbsp;&nbsp; For more information on the Global Peace Walk or to join
the organizers/coordinators email group list
<DIV><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3>Issues to be discussed at the conference will include
abolition of nuclear weapons, power, mining, and waste;&nbsp; insights to
ameliorate conflict (from wars to violence in the cities);&nbsp; inspirations
for the advancement of human capabilities and spiritual reawakening;&nbsp;
remedies for global climate change including new-energy technologies and
emergency plans to regreen the planet while saving the remaining trees by the
relegalization and widespread global cultivation of the hemp/cannabis/marijuana
plant for all of its many uses and superior bioefficiency;&nbsp; the reform of
US drug laws to end the war on drugs, reduce its crime, violence, prison
industry, tax burden, adverse impact on other countries, and eliminate the
recently acknowledged CIA complicity in the drug trade;&nbsp; implementation of
known remedies for addictions to drugs and compulsive destructive behaviors
(e.g., <FONT size=3>Ibogaine, see</FONT></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3><A
);&nbsp; </FONT><FONT size=3>decreasing levels of government secrecy about
peaceful and military applications of new-energy and new-science
<DIV><FONT color=#000000><FONT size=3>The main speeches will be in the Toll Room
at the UC Berkeley Alumni House.&nbsp; Refreshments will be provided in the
adjacent Bechtel Room where individual media interviews and equipment
demonstrations may take place concurrently.&nbsp; Speakers and support groups
may display books, literature, etc., outside all day on the patio for
networking, book signing, etc.&nbsp;&nbsp; Access to the patio will be open and
free for all, especially the UC Berkeley students.&nbsp; The donations for
tickets to the inside events will be on the following basis:&nbsp;&nbsp; Advance
Tickets:&nbsp; $60 general admission, $35
students-seniors-low-income.&nbsp;&nbsp; At the door:&nbsp;&nbsp; $75 general
admission, $50 students-seniors-low-income.&nbsp;&nbsp; Advance group rates $50
per ticket.&nbsp; All advanced tickets must be purchased by mail and funds
received (cash, check, or money order) by February 15th to receive tickets back
by mail, otherwise picked up at registration. Registration will begin at 9AM,
seats on first come first served basis.&nbsp;&nbsp; Advance ticket orders
received before January 21st will receive, with ticket by return mail of January
21st, a complimentary copy of journalist Jeane Manning's book, &quot;The Coming
Energy Revolution&quot;, foreword by Brian O'Leary, the basic primer with
detailed bibliography on the new-energy or free-energy technologies.&nbsp;&nbsp;
In the event of advance ticket purchase and ticketholder is subsequently unable
to attend, this book and a videotape of the entire proceedings will be sent
</FONT></FONT><FONT color=#000000><FONT size=3>automatically at no additional
charge.&nbsp; Remember that this is a fundraiser for the Global Peace Walk and
your donations are greatly appreciated and needed for its success.&nbsp;
Donations for tickets should be sent to General Agency Services, PO Box 147,
Tehachapi, CA, 93581.&nbsp; </FONT></FONT><FONT size=3>Tax deductible donations
for the Global Peace Walk may be sent to the Yucca Foundation, PO Box
</FONT><FONT size=3>170245, San Francisco, CA 94117-0245, and a receipt with
501(c)3 tax ID number will be sent by return mail.&nbsp; If you know a group who
wants to put up a table or booth, please encourage $100-200 donation as
<DIV><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3>This conference is being sponsored for the benefit of the
Global Peace Walk by the DePalma Institue and dedicated to the memory of the
late Bruce DePalma, former senior scientist with the Polaroid Corporation,
lecturer at MIT on electrical engineering and photographic science, discoverer
of the heretofore unsuspected influences of rotation on physical properties that
led to his invention of the n-Machine &quot;free-energy&quot; generator
duplicated in several places around the world.&nbsp; For more info, see
</FONT><FONT size=3><A
</FONT><FONT size=3>DePalma Institute will be represented at this conference by
Andrew Mount who dropped out of the University of California at Santa Barbara in
1988 to become DePalma's administrative assistant until his passing October 4,
1997.&nbsp; Andrew is actively working on the development of a new-energy
research center at Capital Hills California in Tehachapi.&nbsp; For more info on
this, see&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3><A
<DIV><FONT size=3>&nbsp;</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3>For more information on the organizer of this conference and
the campaign for a Global Emergency Alert Response, see&nbsp; </FONT><FONT
<DIV><FONT size=3><BR>&quot;We believe in the invisible good of the Almighty
God, which we cannot see, as a discipline of the mind in order to believe in the
invisible good in other people and to thereby bring it out&quot; -- Most
Venerable Nichidatsu Fujii 1978</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3><BR>&quot;Correctly understood, Buddhism is not a religion but
a science of mind&quot; -- His Holiness Dalai Lama, Santa Barbara, June 2,
<DIV><FONT size=3>&quot;Start the day with Love, Fill the day with Love, End the
day with Love -- This is The Way to God&quot;.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &quot;Love All,
Serve All&quot;,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sri Sathya Sai Baba </FONT><FONT size=3><A
<DIV><FONT size=3></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
Emergency Alert Response:&nbsp; GEAR2000<BR>David Crockett
805-822-3309&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>20411 Steeple Court,
Tehachapi CA 93561
with General Agency
UNITED NATION&nbsp;&nbsp; Global&nbsp; Peace&nbsp; Walk
<BR>Annually:&nbsp;&nbsp; 22apr Taos, NM, ---&gt;&nbsp; Santa Fe
26apr<BR>1999:&nbsp; 16sep New York -&gt; Washington DC 24oct<BR>2000:&nbsp;
15jan&nbsp; San Francisco --&gt; New York&nbsp;
24oct<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 12feb
Santa Barbara,&nbsp; 22feb Los
Angeles<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 22apr
Taos, NM,&nbsp; 16sep Washington, DC<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; ONE NATION, Aware of God as
Love for All !<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; GLOBAL PEACE NOW
!!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Help Now

Reply via email to