-Caveat Lector-

Hawk wrote:

> Gerald Harp wrote:
> >  -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > writes:
> >
> > > My  understanding of law has lead me to believe that the southern states had
> the legal right to leave the union and that they did so lawfully. As I stated, the
> Supreme Court of the time was probably in agreement with  this position. It was
> Lincoln and others in the northern states who  ignored their oathes to the
> Constitution.

====That is my understanding as well, I have been doing a lot of research concerning
this and I have some questions

Why did states like Maine, New York, even Wisconsin, think they had the right to
secede ?

Virginia was one state ..yet part of that state broke away and became another, how can
this happen if secession is not constitutional ?

Why did the Southron states have to reapply for admission into statehood ?

When the 14th amendment was being voted on ...how come they found out for a brief
period they were non-states and could not vote on it ?

Just a few questions....

>  What motivated  them.  They did not perform an act merely because it was legal,
> i.e. they did  not act arbitrarily.

------No it wasn't illegal, there was talk about the northern states doing..seceding
as well.

>  They joined in the Confederacy because it stood for their way of seeing, their way
> of living.  That way was based upon slavery.  The Southern leadership could not stay
> in the Union without accepting a gradual change over in the dirty little condition
> that made their way possible.

----No it was more based on states rights, slavery would of disappeared on its on with
the westward movement......so the last sentence above is incorrect.

> The North was not going to accept additional slave states and the opposition to
> slavery was growing.

-----But who had sold the slaves to the South ?


> Carlene M. Wojahn

> Yep...that is still my name..I am still no one else.

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