-Caveat Lector-

Now I understand *why* I'm not really upset at Billio, rather disappointed
in his inability be good at avoiding perils:  too many years as a
Francophile.  Again, as G Ferraro put it, if stupidity were grounds for
impeachment ...

>From Int'l Herald Tribune

Paris, Saturday, January 9, 1999

Behind the Ridicule, the French May See Peril in Too Much Truth

By John Vinocur International Herald Tribune
PARIS - ''Truths!'' Charles de Gaulle is supposed to have shouted. ''Did
you think I could have created a (Free French) government against the
English and the Americans with truths? You make History with ambition, not
with truths.''

The quote is from a new book by Thierry Pfister, a French editor, who uses
it to illustrate his thesis that for the French mind, lying in politics is
the norm, and that anyone trying to attach a standard of truthfulness to a
politician's behavior is naive and worthy of contempt. The general, he
suggests, said as much.

This is part of Mr. Pfister's explanation of why he believes the French,
and particularly France's elites, do not understand how President Bill
Clinton could be impeached. He says that the French elite is terrified by
the case's implications for its privileges, and that this is the reason,
much more than in other democratic countries, that the yearlong reaction
here to the impeachment process has been one of ridicule, self-satisfied
righteousness, and feigned concern for the future of the United States.

For the French elite, Mr. Pfister maintains, ''there are virtually no
consequences for lying. It's O.K.''

Certainly nowhere in or outside the United States has the handling of the
Clinton-Lewinsky scandal been held up as a model of civic procedure. But in
France, the circumstances are seen, Mr. Pfister says, as an ongoing means
to contrast ''a reactionary American puritanism against progressive French

This week, while CNN's commentators were talking about the solemnity of the
opening public proceedings in the Senate, the anchorman on the France 3
state television news at 11 P.M. was describing it as ''a lamentable
show.'' In a Page One editorial accompanying the Clinton trial, Le Figaro
cried out, ''Wake up, Tocqueville, they've gone mad. When you look at the
distressing spectacle that American democracy is offering, you say to
yourself that the man who described it best must not be very comfortable up
there in the heavens.''

For Mr. Pfister, who served as spokesman for former Prime Minister Pierre
Mauroy in President Francois Mitterrand's first Socialist government and as
a writer for Le Monde and Le Nouvel Observateur magazine, there is more
political lying in France than in other democracies because its democratic
culture is weaker. In this context, he said in an interview, a historical
climate of lies involving the reaction of the French to the Nazi
occupation, the French colonial war in Algeria, and the corruption of the
Mitterrand years, makes Bill Clinton's vulnerability for alleged lying
under oath an almost otherworldly matter here.

''That's why the situation is incomprehensible for French public opinion,''
Mr. Pfister wrote. ''Punishing lies - what naivete!''

Among its officials, ''France has a cult of lying,'' Mr. Pfister insists.

''With us, lying gets a good press,'' he said. ''Some see it as a Latin
characteristic, others as the sign of a superior civilization.'' He said,
''Attempting to limit its use makes you look ridiculous. Playing Don
Quixote is the equivalent of confronting standard social usage, discussed
from time to time, but never really brought into question.''

No particular fan of an American model, Mr. Pfister describes the
investigation of Mr. Clinton by Kenneth Starr as partisan, inspired by the
right wing of the Republican Party, and using inquisition-like methods.

But he goes after the notion that there was some kind of elegance or
refinement in the political circumstances that allowed Mr. Mitterrand to
keep his double family life from public knowledge, at the same time that he
published innocuous health bulletins that hid his developing cancer. The
French were treated not so much as citizens, but infantile subjects, the
writer said.

If it was fine that the French hardly seemed disturbed on learning about
Mr. Mitterrand's second family after his death, Mr. Pfister argued ''it is
nonetheless unacceptable that the news was delivered to them so late.''

''The reality is that it is this contempt, this institutional dissimulating
that is being defended by everyone running to Bill Clinton's defense.''

Mr. Pfister singled out the Socialist president of the foreign affairs
commission of the National Assembly, Jack Lang, as an example of the French
public and media figures who were expressing shock about a so-called
re-birth of McCarthyism in the United States, while their concerns, he
said, were obviously elsewhere.

''It's not the drift of the American system that concerns them, but the
risk of contamination. Suppose they were required tomorrow to give

''The Americans, British, Germans, Spanish, they all know that things can
turn around against them, and that exercising responsibilities involves
risks. Explanations are demanded of them, even on their private lives if
they become controversial. That's the price that Clinton is paying because
it's the price of democracy.''

Mr. Pfister's book, ''Lettre Ouverte aux Gardiens du Mensonge'' (Open
Letter to the Keepers of the Lie) is published by Albin Michel.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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