-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 9 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>To some it will seem a radical shift but I have changed my view on this whole
>issue, at least to a certain extent.  Let me explain.  I believe that there is
>sufficient evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Clinton to have him impeached
>solely on the charges against him.  There certainly is a LOT more behind the
>scenes that he is definitely guilty of (treason, and treachery against the US
>which he swore to uphold, being the most damaging).  I am now convinced
>however that this whole issue should have been dropped before it began because
>I don't like the puritanical emphasis that has already been the byproduct of
>the whole mess.

Then, Teo, you are allowing them to win...

Not only do you let them get away with the 'wrongdoing' you admit you
believe was done, you let them get away with the blatant blackmail they
are conducting...

The answer is to NOT just drop it all...do you really think they will
stop the 'wrongdoing' if the watchdogs go aways?

>Clinton as well.  I wish the whole thing had never begun, BUT since it has I
>want to see it played out to the full and that means full trial and witnesses

I'm confused...I thought you always supported an impeachment and trial...

>It is my hope that some nugget of truth will fall out of the trial and
>some good will come of it.

This is my feeling, also...and may be why certain parties are so against
calling witnesses, I suspect...there's a fear that much more damning
evidence may slip out if witnesses are allowed, evidence which will
possibly lead to the impeachment and/or prosecution of some highly placed
people -- perhaps Gore (explains the bleatings about the Repubs
'overthrowing' the election, which doesn't make sense on the surface,
since Gore would end up in "the catbird's seat"...BUT if evidence comes
out in the trial that he ALSO committed treason, well...) -- perhaps a
few Administration officials -- perhaps some important Congresscritters
from BOTH sides of the aisle...

>He should be impeached and [possibly hanged along
>with numerous others on both sides of the party aisle for his treason, and
>that should be the issue before the Senate.

But it isn't.  The issue is perjury and obstruction of justice.

Even if it WAS treason, the Senate trial, not being a criminal trial,
doesn't have any power except to remove him from office...

My guess?  A good possibility that 'something' comes out in the Senate
trial which suddenly broadens it's scope beyond the perjury and
obstruction of justice charges...something which perhaps DOES show
possibly treasonous actions, not only on the part of Clinton, but
possibly Gore too...

The Dems complain loud and long about the Repubs conducting a 'witch
hunt', and demand that the Senate trial just stick to the original

But the new stuff is so 'hot', it can't be completely ignored...the
Senate, knowing that the only thing it can do is remove Clinton from
office no matter WHAT the charges are, votes to remove him from office
based solely on the perjury and obstruction of justice charges -- because
of the 'hotness' of the other stuff uncovered, the Senate Dems no longer
feel they can back the president and so vote to remove based on the
'lesser' charges...

The Senate then turns the 'hot' stuff it uncovered over to an independent
prosecutor to pursue possible criminal charges against Clinton...even if
it ostensibly isn't after anything on Gore, I predict there will be
enough fallout so that it will be hard to deny his involvement...as the
criminal proceedings against Clinton proceed, the House Judiciary
Committee commences an investigation into Gore...with a lot of 'what did
he know, and when did he know it' stuff...

With the end result that by the time the year 2000 comes around, Gore
will effectively be unelectable...

Of course, if all the 'doom-and-gloomers' are right about the Y2K
problem, Gore may solve his problem by declaring martial law and
suspending all elections...

...just a day dream of mine, total speculation...

>Clinton is scum but now I wish that they had just let him alone from the

'Just let him alone'?  To continue his scummy acts, including treason?

>Let us all hope now that this will create a steamroller effect that will clear
>Washington of ALL of the traitors and scum and we can start fresh, that is
>really the only acceptable outcome.  Not very likely, huh?

One can only hope...and keep the pressure on one's own representatives to
NOT sweep it all under the rug...if we just sit back as passive viewers
and DON'T actively participate in attempting to change things, then we
deserve what we get...


      The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year,
      Of wailing winds and naked woods, and meadows brown and sear.
        -- Wm. Cullen Bryant:  The Death of the Flowers
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