-Caveat Lector-

YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> On Sat, 9 Jan 1999, Jim Norman wrote:
> >I was raised in the old South in Claxton, Georgia 1941-1949 and I can
> >tell you from personal experience that the old South I experienced
> >respected everyone.  There was no racial tension as today.  Black people
> >wanted to be with their kind and whites wanted the same.
> Bull.  That's what you WANT to believe, to justify your racism.

Oh... So am I to gather from this that YOU know more of what HE experienced than
he does?  My experience is pretty close to his, although I wouldn't say there was
"no" racial tension.  It just wasn't a very big issue with blacks or whites.  You
can call me a racist if you wish, but before you do, you should check the racial
mixture of my family.

> Try talking to the BLACKS who lived in the South at that time (as I
> have), and see if they were oh so content as you would like to believe...

Try?  I talked every day with BLACKS who were living in the South -- along with me
-- at that time... You might want to consider that personal, first-hand,
on-the-scene experience counts for something.... maybe even more than "having A
black friend"  -- you have ONE black friend?  Only one who grew up in the South...
On the other hand, I have MANY black friends who grew up in the South WITH ME.

> I have a black friend who grew up down south, having to watch the local
> KKK'rs walk by her house -- in full regalia -- going to and from their
> meetings...and being made to smile and wave to them...I can tell you, SHE
> and her family were NOT content, but knew what they had to do to keep
> from being lynched and their house burned down...

You might consider that this gal is pulling your leg... and you've fallen for it,
hook-line-and-sinker.  I'm not saying that she necessarily is lying, but I have
lived in the South my entire life and have never met anyone associated with the
KKK.  I have never met a black person who has encountered anyone  I have seen KKK
"rallies" on TV, and it is almost comical... There are about six KKK-ers, 600
policemen, 500 "news" reporters, and 50 or 60 hecklers booing the KKK guys.

Regarding the anecdotal "evidence" of your black frined... Most of us have heard
of black author (cannot think of her last name) who wrote "I Know Why The Caged
Bird Sings," and her horrifying tales of KKK rampages in her home town, even
directed at her poor terrified family... Well, my wife grew up during the time
period of the book, living about 500 yards from those "terrified black folks"...
Who, by the way, were middle-class store owners (what passed for a convenience
store in those days)... My wife and her sisters went almost daily to that place of
business, which was next to the home of the "terrified blacks."

> There's a reason they moved up North...because the South didn't provide
> them the opportunities in employment the North did, because of their
> race...

Have you bothered to check the Klan-watch reports of KKK activity... There are
more KKK members in Ohio and Indiana than there are in the entire South, according
to the avowed enemies of the KKK.  The northern and mid-western states have FAR
MORE KKK members than the Southern states.

Lest you jump to conclusions, I hasten to add that I know that racism exists and
has existed in the South (as well as the North), and that I am opposed to what I
know of the KKK as it exists in our modern day.  But I think black
comedian/philosopher Dick Gregory was pretty close to right when he said, "In the
South, they don't care how *close* we get, as long as we don't get too rich.  In
the North, they don't care how rich we get, as long as we don't get too close."

> >We worked >together Black and White to plant and clear the crops since most of
> the >able bodied men were still at war.
> I'm sure blacks were given equal opportunity to plant & clear fields --
> for someone else.  How many blacks OWNED this property they worked on...?

I'd be interested in knowing those figures too... How many were there, June?  How
many blacks do you figure owned the northern factories they worked in?  How many
owned the Hotels they worked in?  Who was keeping them from buying those
factories, farms, and hotels?

> How many blacks were allowed to take over important office and factory
> jobs, supervisory and managerial positions, when the 'able bodied men'
> (black men WEREN'T 'able bodied'?) were away at war?

"Allowed to take over" ???  Are those jobs just "allotted" to folks, or do they
normally have to qualify for them?  Oh, that's a rhetorical question... Of course
nowadays, they ARE allotted... its called "Affirmative Action" and "Racial
Set-Aside" programs...


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