-Caveat Lector-

 From: SafanNews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998
 Subj: SAFAN NO. 1151.  Lines in the Sky or Lungs??

                STOP ALL FEDERAL ABUSES NOW!!!
              SAFAN Internet Newsletter, NO. 1151, Apr. 4, 1998

 by Joe 6pk Burton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  4/3/98

 Last week my wife and I had the pleasure of meeting another great
 Patriot in Kingsport, TN.  Friends of ours had heard Tommy on the
 radio speaking about the sample he had obtained falling from the
 contrails.  They gave us his eMail address and I made contact with
 him and we have been communicating for the last month or so prior
 to our meeting.

 As we drove over for the meeting, I watched for the area where I
 had seen a Harrier sit down in the woods a year prior.  I gave the
 most likely area to him in an effort for us to pinpoint yet another
 secret base in that area.  Tommy has also witnessed the black chops
 running in silent mode in his area as well.

 We exchanged some documentation we each had.  He pulled out
 pictures of a substance that had fallen from contrails taken under
 magnification at a lab.  In the pictures of these stringy globules,
 you can clearly see from a layman's perspective, knots or nodules,
 possibly microbes included in the mass.  He described the matter as
 clear to gray and said as he touched it with something, it would
 begin breaking up.  He was quick thinking enough to place the
 remaining substance in the freezer for preservation prior to taking
 it to a lab.  The substance is as yet unidentified.

 He was kind enough to allow my wife to take some of the pictures to
 a copy machine nearby.  I would encourage anyone in the affected
 areas where this frequent spraying or contrail cloud forming occurs
 to do the following if you are able:  Go to your local state
 environmental agency or lab and obtain clean containers for
 gathering samples.  Any uncontaminated samples gathered should be
 frozen and then transported in a clean cooler to a private lab for
 further analysis.  Information gained should be shared among all of
 us in an effort to get to the bottom of this phenomena.  I am
 certain it is no accident that the illness rates in the affected
 areas have been so high.  It is obvious we are breathing these
 substances in and/or being contaminated by water or outside

 Also we need to find out if our Counties have granted permission
 for biological testing under Title 50 United States Code.  We
 should be raising cain with our local politricksters.  For added
 effect, contact your local TV meteorologist and ask why they are
 not reporting the difference between government military made
 clouds, (i.e. contrails from KC135's supertankers etc.) and those
 made by God's natural handiwork.  There is a BIG difference !!

 Last week some other fine Patriots from Pennsylvania, Fred & Sandra
 Ehrlich were kind enough to send me 2 videos of this contrail
 phenomena.  They are titled The Spraying of America 1 and 2.  The
 first deals with spraying (contrails) in San Diego, California in
 95 & 96 and the second is more recent in PA & Maryland.  For copies
 of these videos their fax # is (717) 235-8762 and the great part
 is: they only charge a nominal fee to cover cost.  I will be
 ordering additional material from their vast library.  I thank
 these fine Patriots for what they are doing to get the word out!
 I will be forwarding them some of my film when I get it transferred
 from 8mm to VHS.

 Just after viewing these two films, my wife & I were watching the
 movie remake of "the Little Rascals" (something I seldom do) and lo
 and behold in a near closing scene under a big tree, they meet to
 accept Alfalfa back into the club.  Over the tree you can see a
 couple of large contrails.  I estimate the film was shot
 approximately 4 years ago, so this is something that has been
 silently going on for some time now.  On many occasions I have seen
 it in commercials, as well as live shots on TV news.

 Since I spend a lot of time out in the field doing recon,
 researching, investigating, as well as running a list, it leaves me
 with very little time for writing in depth articles such as this.
 The following will be a mismash, if you will, of recent events.
 Some things I cannot go into detail for security reasons and some
 things due to time constraints.  I do however want to keep you
 abreast of what is going on.

 I recently approached and spoke with a pilot of one of the black
 choppers.  He readily admitted flying one and was inquisitive as to
 what my concerns were.  I told him of the UN having them, as well
 as other agencies and I gave him a brief run down as to what is
 going on in our country.  I said, "Let me give you a heads up.
 This is making all of you guy's look bad in the eyes of all of us
 who are awake and know what is going on in this country."  His eyes
 dropped to the floor momentarily and he looked back up at me and
 said sadly, "I know it "

 You have to understand fellow Patriots, many of these people, know
 not what they do.  They are being used and duped.  It is our job to
 educate them!!!  NOW!!!

 Additional confirmation has come in that leads me to believe that
 these secret bases are indeed part of this diabolical NWO game
 plan.  Nuff said.

 I again have filmed some additional black chops, but in the last
 couple of weeks they have backed off from harassing me personally.
 I went to my local Sheriff and ask him how long he was going to
 allow those black chops to harass me in downtown Clinton TN.  He
 said there was nothing he could do about it.  I said,  "Who runs
 this county you or the Feds?"  He repeated there was nothing he
 could do.  Since some of his deputies were present, I spoke up and
 said, "OK, let me make this clear to you:  When they point those
 guns down at me, I will consider it a threat and you can come over
 in the middle of town and deal with the pieces that have fallen
 from the sky."

 I don't know if he spread the word or not, but I do know, I have
 not been harassed lately.  This is a man who swore an oath to the
 Constitution twice.  Once as  military and again as Sheriff.
 I personally hope he meant it both times.  However I see his
 involvement in regional government as a clear violation of it.
 As we move from unconstitutional regional, to global  government,
 what side of the fence will he and others be on for the sake of a
 paycheck and/or political standing.  One thing is for sure.  If he
 allows these UN civilian police, currently being trained in Ft
 McClellan Alabama, into our neighborhoods, the answer clearly will
 be given.

 Speaking of regional government, when I presented the model
 resolution from Col Archibald Roberts (ret) to the County court
 clerk, she seemed upset as she glanced through it.  I whipped out
 a copy of the Constitution and said to her, I would not need to
 present this to the county commission IF she could just show me
 where in the Constitution it allowed or authorized a regional
 government.  She said she wasn't really interested in THAT STUFF.
 I said, "Oh, did you not take an oath of office and swear you would
 protect and defend it?"  She said she had.  I said maybe that is
 what is wrong with our country today.  So many take an oath and
 then turn their back on that precious document!  I offered her a
 copy which she declined, saying she had one.  So I gave it to a
 clerk standing with her who did not have one.  I was courteous and
 made it a point to be non-threatening.  How can you threaten
 someone honest with the Constitution anyhow?

 In a recent development, my fellow Patriot friend Dwight told me
 they where doing Napalm drops in the Cherokee forest to do some
 burning which almost got out of control.  Just after speaking to
 him on this, I received a post about Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth
 raking the forestry service over the coals (pun intended) for a
 plan to have spotted owl [I mean, Al Gore] do photo OPS in front of
 out of control forest fires this year.  Of course, I'm sure it was
 just a coincidence.  Al was just in town.  SURE IT WAS!!

 BTW, those pic's of the UN busses are not so much the bad boys, as
 a slightly smaller version made for the US government.  They are
 white also and have gun turrets welded into them.  Look for
 distinct bubbled out areas on body.  Already seen in our

 Also in a recent multi-jurisdictional raid on some evil, dangerous
 poachers in Mount Vernon, TN.  The small community was blocked off
 and residents ordered to remain in their homes while the raid was
 taking place.  One resident who ventured out... showed his drivers
 license (gov ID) to an agent and said, "Look I'm not one of those
 people you are looking for.  I need to go to the store and get
 some milk."  The agent responded angrily that he was to get back
 into his house immediately that no one was allowed out until the
 roundup was completed.  The resident returned to his home.

 Now I don't know about you, but I wonder everyday:  Is this really
 still America??

 Let me also remind you that April 9, 10 & 11 John Lewis the Patriot
 Pastor of the Black Brigade radio program will be here in Knoxville
 speaking.  I also will be speaking and showing pictures and
 documentation on Saturday the 11th.  If you are near the area,
 please come by and meet us at the Best Western on Merchants Drive.
 For more details phone (423) 869-4992 or 435-1472.  I will be
 looking forward to meeting you!!!

 Tune in next time when the subject might be:  "A spotted owl gets
 his feathers singed or what do you mean that Asian crises caused me
 to have to pay $3.50 for a loaf of bread."

 Joe 6pk AmeriCAN - Plunging a New Whirrled Odor !!

 Feel free to copy or repost or even compost!

     "If a good ballplayer costs 30 million these days, how much is
      a good ambulance driver worth??  America, where are your

                                                (o o)
      "Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God."  Thomas Jefferson
   Take Back Tennessee NEW WEB PAGE.......
 Project to Restore the Republic http://www.sbacenter.com/proj-1.htm
            Dot Bibee  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  Ph/FAX (423) 577-7011
                  Index of Newsletters are available upon Request


 Author:    Freedom of Speech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date:      1998/11/02
 Forums:    alt.conspiracy

 Being  Sprayed  !!!

 Date: Mon, Nov 2, 1998
 Subj: CONTRAILS - Some Answers...


 by Joe 6pk Burton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

 After a couple of years of comparing notes with others,documenting,
 filming and sampling this phenomena, I thought it was important to
 begin sharing some of the information available on this subject.
 Many of us who are putting out information on this, have been
 branded as kooks or conspiracy nuts, even by fellow Patriots awake
 on other matters.

 Most recently, NBC put out a report that the contrails are a result
 of normal commercial jet traffic, but that some of the contrails do
 form clouds and affect weather conditions from time to time.  I was
 amazed by either their ignorance or their propoganda.  Using astute
 wisdom, I could not bring myself to believe that commercial planes
 run back and forth across the sky forming either rows or x's in the
 sky.  NBC can produce all the BS they want too on the subject, but
 I do not have to buy into it.

 Instead, I will put out information I have gleaned from studying
 this and let you make up your own minds about it.

 First in studying some of my film archives, I found that I had
 inadvertently filmed a plane producing some of these long lasting
 contrails as far back as 1992, so I knew these events have been
 going on for some time.  It's funny how sometimes we fail to see
 things right in front of us, or in this case above us.  I knew
 with my limited science background that typical contrails were
 from one of two things:  either ice vortices off of the wings or
 engines in the cold upper atmosphere or from the jet exhaust
 itself.  In either case these normal contrails are dispersed in
 30 to 45 seconds under normal conditions.

 Yet the contrails myself and others have been witnessing would last
 for hours in still conditions and fan out, forming a hazy condition
 similar to smog.  Sometimes x's were made in the sky and I often
 wondered if this was being tracked via satellite.  That was before
 I knew about a little ditty known as GOES (Geostationary
 Operational Enviromental Sattellite) or any of the various study's
 being conducted by some of the key players in these events, such
 as: Sandia Labs (DOE), NASA, Air Force and a host of corporate
 players, as well as universities.  I didn't even know what a
 Multiangle Aerosole Spectrometer Probe was, until recently.

 Being one of the few people who knows I'm not a kook, I knew I
 would have to study and research furthur to find some answers.
 One thing on my side is:  I have learned in my lifetime to NEVER
 trust the government.

 That's why, when my Congressman's office (Zach Wamp) told me they
 had checked into the matter and it was just typical vapor trails,
 I knew instinctively not to believe them.  I guess it's just a
 coincidence their office is in the Department of Energy building
 in Oak Ridge Tennessee.

 I immediately learned chemicals and viruses were dropping out of
 the contrails as they opened up and fanned out.  One of the
 chemicals was EDB, which is added to many petroleum products,
 highly toxic to humans, animals and plants.  The viruses I found,
 were coming from naturally-forming bacteria in the water based
 fuels.  The planes have built in bladders to hold and spray these
 toxic clouds.

 But I wondered how pilots could allow themselves to be used to
 deliver these and other toxic substances on an unsuspecting public
 below.  That was before I found out most of the planes are RPA's
 (remote piloted aircraft), being used in many programs including
 the SUCCESS Mission (Subsonic Aircraft Contrail Cloud Effects
 Special Studies) (correct spelling), or DOE's CART (Clouds And
 Radiation Testbed) and ARM (Atmospheric Research Mission or
 program), MAS program, or yet my personal favorite the Aeronautics
 and Mission to Planet Earth Program.  These are but a few of the
 many projects going on past & present making guinea pigs of us all
 and playing with science and altering the atmosphere.  No doubt,
 many of these government scientist feel they can do a much better
 job at controlling the universe, than can the Great Creator. (God)

 I suppose we have no choice but to sit back and watch their
 handywork?  I'm not sure where they get their permission to run
 these tests globally, I recently witnessed these events happening
 in Central America and I have seen film footage of it happening in
 many other countries as well.

 Many of you reading this via the internet, will have the forsight
 to enter the keywords in this piece, into a search engine to find
 out more.  Others will discard this information, as the rantings of
 a conspiracy kook and that's OK as well.  This story is too huge
 for one person to tell and like anything to do with the government,
 the tentacles are many.  But this Old Kook has got to get busy

 You see, there are these planes flying over, making no sound
 whatsoever, that make incredible manuevers and drops an oily
 chemical substance on anyone or anything below them.  The planes
 are usually based in small out-of-the-way airports.  Reports in
 from Texas and Tennessee so far.  Any others let me know, this old
 kook will investigate it, after all, there aren't any black
 helicopters, UNLESS you document them!

 joe 6pk AmeriCAN - "Kooky Conspiracy Nut" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

 [COMMENT:  I "used to be" one of those folks who just didn't look
 up in the sky very much - unless it was to look at a beautiful
 sunset or night sky for the stars - or for dark clouds.. BUT then
 Clarence Napier sent me a message about the "contrails".  I sent
 him back a message that these were just vapor trails from jets ....
 after all, why should I be concerned?

 Clarence was VERY NICE to me - he said, "Dot... just start
 watching.  When a commercial airliner goes over, they do put out a
 jet vapor trail, but these disappear in just a few minutes.  When
 you see a CONTRAIL - these stay around for hours - widening out as
 they form clouds or WORSE drift down to the ground."  WELL, just a
 few days after he wrote me back, I DID start watching - and sure
 enough there was an airliner - AND another plane MUCH higher up
 putting out a HUGE CONTRAIL.  The airliner's much thinner trail was
 gone almost instantly - but NOT the other one.  AND this one must
 have made a loop and came back criss-crossing in the SKY!!!

 Since then I have observed a LOT of these.  In fact there is a
 picture of ONE of these over MY HOUSE on Clarence's web page
 (the best PAGE ever) at  http://azwest.net/user/slim

 AND... Joe - You are not any kind of KOOK.  Since I have known
 you (about two years now) you have not only put out very good
 information but you do your best to document your messages (the
 hardest part).  I am PROUD of you for all your hard work.  Joe
 (by the way) has a documentation package - second to none - that he
 passes out (FREE) to any member of the military, police, or FEDS!!!

 His work is so needed.  He does NOT ask for help...but if there
 were just TEN more Joe's - we might be able to take our country
 back!!!.................Dot Bibee]

 Knoxville, TN Ph/FAX (423) 577-7011

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