-Caveat Lector-

Now as far as Slaves and Blacks we have had this here before too.  Look up
the history of the KKK.  Started at a University and  continued as a way to
keep businesses from bringing in Blacks as strike breakers.  If you find
more please list the book or URL.  If you want to know more ask questions
instead of sprouting off personal opinions - there are many on this list
that have studied this extensively.  Hawk does have a interesting mind set
but his posts have shown him to be a lazy researcher, would be curious how
he would summarized some of these books or URLs.  But for him to just talk
about his history professor, the propaganda he learned in school and to now
give us a book or something so that we can critic that propaganda as well is

For Carlene
    Up till now you have contributed nothing to this list besides "Personal
Opinion".  Now there may be others that have extreme opinions - we have had
URL's from some about Vampires, Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims - you
get the idea.  Quoting the Bible to some of the people that read this list
just shows a narrow mindedness that would allow propaganda to flurish.
Talking about the underlying themes of the Bible is acceptable but quoting a
sheep type mentality will make many of us bored "At Great Speed"

"To Find New Oceans You Must Not Be Afraid To Lose Sight Of The Shore"
This is why I say the I believe in the 10 Commandments and the Constitution!

Now think of this list as a English paper that you have to turn in and that
(at least some of) your posts are required to have citations, documentation,
or URLs that allow us to make our own opinions.  We are either bored,
curious, nosy, making a living writing - but all of us believe that we have
brains that allow us to study ourselves.

>From the Bible - My father and yours - In other words I am allowed to study
from the same book(s) that he did "The Old Testament" and learn the same
things that he did.  Now if you want to use the Bible - live by YOUR beliefs
and give us something that allows us to make our own opinions Not just
having to listen to you sprouting your own version of propaganda.   We get
away with a bit of ("good") natured quibbling at times because we have
(previously) brought in some very good tibits.  This list is "Food For
Thought" research so again Substance—not soapboxing!  .

I am not attacking you personally or attacking at all!  You have read the
theme (or thread) of this list and you are allowed to say what ever you want
(Free Speech) as long as you can come up with different citations.  Do not
treat me as if I can not read or research or as if you are afraid that I
might find out something different.

Take it up with the list manager(s) - you will find that they will back me
up or am I backing them up?  So put up (some citations or something
sometimes) or
shut up and this goes to some others (that have been using this as a forum
for their PRIVATE opinions from PRIVATE research as well) as well.

AKA The Pied Piper

-----Original Message-----
From: Carlene M. Wojahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, January 11, 1999 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Stampeding Bison

> -Caveat Lector-
>> On Sun, 10 Jan 1999, Hawk wrote:
>> >> Still voicing OPINION without FACTS, are we?
>> >
>> >Read the words, June... I believe them to be factual.... Documents from
the era indicate
>> that such was the situation,
>> Documents which you fail to give titles for, let alone quote...
>----Yes please state what documents you are talking about.
>>  As a matter of FACT, Unitarianism is NOT prevalant here in the
>>  Northeast...Unitarianism isn't even Christianity...
>-----But most of our leaders were Unitarianism...well according to one of
my history profs.
>> ---The regions do have different types of religion as I first pointed
out...the South is
>> more fundamentalist......Baptist...Bible Churches...the Northern Churches
>> structured...and maybe more rigid...
>----"The north was all into "social engineering" or "solving the problems
of the poor" etc
>much like the Methodist Church today... it was more "man-centered" rather
than bible centered
>or Christ-centered"
>-----I know where I live there are mainly the main protestant and Catholic
Churches..not many
>Bible or Baptist, and they seem to be quite prevalent done south..do your
homework you can
>find this out on your own.
>> If I were to say that the opinions of Marx influenced the northeast, or
>> that Napoleon's tactics influenced the Confederacy, it would not be the
>> same as saying the North was Communist and the South was French.  OK?
>> Which means you admit that your statement is meaninless drivel...
>===Reread his statement..perfectly logical to me....he is simply trying to
say something can
>be influenced by something...but that does not mean it is what it is
influenced by.
>Okay...example ...Okay..I have been influenced by my parents beliefs, but
my parents beliefs
>and mine are not the same.  One can be influenced positively or negatively
>something/someone but that doesn't mean you are what you are influenced by.
>----You might have to reread this statement too....
><G> maybe even a couple of times
>> Jerry praises you for your 'documentation', but yet I've never seen you
>> provide one iota of documentation...and in fact your private opinions
>> posted as 'fact' have been roundly refuted by actual facts time and time
>> again...
>> >If so, say what's on your mind.
>> I already have, but I'll repeat it:  You are an idiot who posts his
>> personal opinion and prejudices as if they were a matter of fact, without
>> providing a shred of documentation;
>-----Whoa !!!  You can call names...ot to be careful when you do that, you
can say something
>like I think you are an idiot, without getting into trouble but if you are
saying it is a
>fact that someone is an idiot ...especially in public...you better be able
to prove it...or
>you may end up in court.  One must deal with the facts, and you are
stating/declaring to this
>list that this individual, Hawk is an idiot, then I  must ask you for your
proof in you
>saying that he is.  How do you support this premise ?  Do you have some
>regarding this statement that we should be made aware of, if so what is
this documentation
>and where can it be found ?
>---I think the person who wrote that above is dealing with the way that
person feels, and
>because of this has resorted to name calling..which I consider to be
offensive to me ...I
>have to read this garbage.  Let us deal with the facts and not opinions of
others...that is
>what you have requested, isn't it ?
>> and when you're obvious fallacies are pointed out by documented facts,
you turn around and
>> start calling those who provide FACTS to counter your prejudices any
variety of names.
>----Yeah...like you just did..Just went to the archives and I saw the reply
in which this
>Hawk guy was kicked off...he was called names, like you are calling him
now, and he defended
>----It is you who is calling names to cloud up the facts...I want to learn
here...and I want
>to listen but not to name calling and juvenile behavior like this.
>> If DOCUMENTED FACTS are considered 'beligerant' by you, so be it...
>----Huh ???  I have seen no documented facts in these posts by you...name
your sources,
>page number and such.
>> >and I guarantee you, I am meaner than you are,
>> Don't bet on it...
>----Knock it off....I do not like to get on the computer...and first
thing..bump into what I
>believe to be juvenile posts knocking one another....maybe both of you need
a time out.
>> >So how 'bout you just lighten up a little bit, and be respectful...
>----Wait ...maybe this person is trying to be respectful...
>> Again, if pointing out that you are posting personal opinion and
>> prejudice as if they were 'facts' is considered 'disrespectful', so be
>> it...I will NOT cease to point out your obvious errors...
>----Ma'am I consider you to be disrespectful to all of us on this list
after reading your
>post thoroughly.  I do not want a post like this taking up room in my
mailbox. so if you
>please write down your facts instead of posting personal opinion, I would
be more than
>appreciative.  In this post you did not think you let your emotions take
over...if you find
>yourself doing this again....write it --read  it...edit it...or don't send
>> I personally feel your agenda is to disrupt this list in any manner that
>> you can, and that you're just looking for an excuse to start up again.
>-----and your not...this may be a Monday...and they are usually the
pits...but you have not
>helped it to be much better after reading your post...give me facts...I
want to learn from
>I personally feel your agenda is to disrupt this list in any manner that
>you can, and that you're just looking for an excuse to start up again.
>----Whatever, yep that is right this is a conspiracy list, so some people
might see one
>behind every corner...oh well.
>>  Carlene
>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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