-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Blacklisted News, Secret History . . . From Chicago, '68, to 1984
©1983 Youth International Party Information Service
Bleecker Publishing
POB 392
Canal St. Station
New York, NY 10012
ISBN 0-912873-00-0

"We always knew something like this was going on," said Abbie, examining the
galleys for the newest Yippie book at the OVERTHROW offices, "but, we couldn't
prove it."

Of all the later revelations about Chicago, this one was the most important,
because the same Xerox, Palevsky, Warner Bros. crew are all continuously
emerging, all during the decade, all thru this book, as a key nexus of liberal
control-the advance guard of cultural reaction.

Like the other selections here, this story is positioned for the sake of the
narrative; publication date is noted at the end of most articles.

by Mike Chance

Rolling Stone magazine was paid $100,000 in the spring of 1968 by the Xerox
Corporation in return for a pledge not to support leftist demonstrations at
the Chicago National Presidential Conventions that summer. The loan prevented
the collapse of Rolling Stone. Rolling Stone, for its part of the arrangement,
published several editorials decrying the "Festival of Life" and urging
demonstrators to stay away from the convention. After the convention the
editorials blamed the demonstrators for causing the trouble.

The revelations were made by Ms. Susan Lydon to Yipster Times. Ms. Lydon is
one of five principals who formed Rolling Stone when it began in the summer of
1967, along with her husband, rock critic Michael Lydon, Ralph Gleason, Jann
Wenner and one other person whose name was unavailable at time of publication.
Ms. Lydon and her husband had previously worked for the radical publication
Ramparts. After the sell-out, Ms. Lydon left Rolling Stone for "personal and
political disagreements with Jann Wenner." Ms. Lydon, who has also worked for
Ms. magazine and numerous other popular publications, is currently in the
public relations staff of the Arica Institute, a popular psychic growth

At the time the loan was made "sometime in the spring of 1968," the Rolling
Stone magazine was staffed with leftist-oriented writers. Big names not only
from Ramparts but from the relatively new Berkeley Barb and San Francisco
Oracle were pouring articles on rock culture into Rolling Stone. The sudden
declaration by Jann Wenner in the editorial section of the paper in May of
1966, two months before the convention, that "rock music and confrontation
politics don't mix," was greeted with massive disapproval from the burgeoning
left. Despite persistent rumors of a sell-out by someone at the highest
managerial levels of Rolling Stone, there had been no confirmation until Ms.
Lydon's statement.

Max Palevsky, Xerox magnate, has been a Rolling Stone backer. It is known that
he has personal holdings in the corporation. Palevsky, a liberal Democrat who
backed McGovern in 1972 until the Miami Convention, at which time he quickly
backed out of his commitments. This extent of his political dealings and their
effect on Rolling Stone's politics has long been a subject of discussion among
media observers.

Insiders at Rolling Stone, and outsiders, have frequently accused Rolling
Stone of getting its initial successful impetus from a shady deal. The most
common story circulated had it that Warner Communications had struck the deal
for $100,000 in the fall of 1970. (See March, 1976, YT). Warner Communications
had pulled several culture ripoffs, including the ill-fated "Medicine Ball

At the time of the alleged 1968 loan, according to Ms. Lydon, Rolling Stone
"was on the brink of bankruptcy." Circulation for the paper had begun to drop
after the first few months, and major distributors refused to touch it.
Without the loan the paper would have folded within weeks. After the Chicago
Convention and Rolling Stone's attacks on the left, corporate record ad
accounts began to soar for the hard pressed rag. Within a few months it was on
its way to being the most successful magazine of the decade. Ramparts
magazine, which took no Xerox bribes, has since folded.

—YIPster Times, June 76

by Aron Kay

"The YIP protest-in methods and means-is as corrupt as the political machine
it hopes to disrupt."
_Rolling Stone Magazine Editor Jann Wenner on May 11, 1968

"Rock writing at one time attracted some of the brightest talents of the
Sixties generation of writers; it now is obvious that it draws only

"There have been numerous instances of pressure applied by record companies to
get a certain performer on the cover of a certain magazine strictly on the
basis of advertising volume, of pressure applied by magazines to obtain
advertising, of pressure applied by writers to obtain junkets, of performers
threatening or assaulting writers ... The record industry does exert a great
deal of influence and can-and often does-decide that it's time a certain
performer or group got a feature article."
-Chet Flippo in 1974

Jann Wenner was born in 1946. His father, Edward Wenner, was a small-time
capitalist whose firm marketed baby formula. Wenner's mother was a writer who
was able to get two of her books published in the early 1960s: Back Away From
the Stove and Daisy. Wenner's sister, Kate Wenner, attended Radcliffe.

Jann Wenner graduated from an exclusive private school, Chadwick, in Palos
Verdes, California. In 1964, he enrolled at the University of California in
Berkeley and used the Free Speech Movement to advance his journalistic career.
He was hired by NBC in the fall of 1964 as its on-campus reporter because of
his personal acquaintance with many Free Speech Movement radicals.

In 1967—after being fired by Ramparts Magazine for his lack of writing skill
and his anti-communist political beliefs-Wenner borrowed $1500 from the jazz
critic of the Hearst-owned San Francisco Chronicle, Ralph Gleason. He also
borrowed $6,000 from his mother, his stepmother, his father, and the parents
of his future wife. With his $7,500 in borrowed money, Wenner put out the
first issue of Rolling Stone Magazine with the goal of marketing the
publication among young people and exploiting their collective interest in
rock music and folk music. The first issue of Rolling Stone was only 24 pages
in 1967.

On the heels of his secret, deal with Xerox to attack the Yippies and
discourage attendence at Chicago, Wenner offered his services as a public
relations instrument of multi-millionaire rock super-star Mick Jagger. In
1969, a Rolling Stone office was opened in London. Mick Jagger agreed at that
time to secretly finance the operations of London Rolling Stone.

In 1969, also, after Oakland Sheriff's Deputies blew away innocent bystanders
"on his doorstep" during People's Park, Wenner came out for his own, cultural
version of the revolution.

By 1970, Wenner's Rolling Stone, its $40,000 per month budget financed from
large record company advertisements, began to drive underground rivals like
EVO and KALEIDOSCOPE out of business. Distribution was handled through CBS's
chain of Discount Record Stores. Given Rolling Stone's dependence on the large
record companies for its continued existence, it's not surprising that record
company executives like former CBS Records President Clive "Payola" Davis.
began to exercise middle-aged veto power over the editorial content and
editorial personnel of Rolling Stone. After Davis complained to Wenner about
an unflattering review of Bob Dylan which appeared in Rolling Stone's July 23,
1970 issue, Wenner fired the writer, Griel Marcus.

Despite the huge profits Wenner derived from his sale of Rolling Stone ad
space for $2800 per page and direct revenue from paper sales, a series of
unprofitable investments of his Rolling Stone-derived fortune brought Wenner
and his magazine to the brink of financial collapse in August of 1970.

In order to save himself and his magazine from bankruptcy in the summer of
1970, Wenner secretly met with the directors of Warner Communications
Corp.—which distributes the Atlantic, the Elektra-Asylum, and the Warner
Brothers record labels-and begged them for another loan. The Warner
Communications Company directors secretly agreed to loan Wenner and his
Rolling Stone Magazine $100,000—provided that he coordinate his publication
with Warner's program for the discouragement of youth revolt and mass
revolutionary political involvement in the 1970's.

Today-while millions of working class young people suffer from poverty,
joblessness, and cultural exploitation—Jann Wenner and his Rolling Stone
Magazine continue to take in huge sums of money. Through its back page ad
space alone, Rolling Stone takes in $5400 each issue.

This income enables Wenner to earn $6 million/year and operate 6 Rolling Stone
Magazine offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, D.C., New
York, and London. Jann Wenner's current personal worth of $30 million exceeds
even the personal worth of Bob Dylan (which currently exceeds $20 million).
Rent for Rolling Stone's swank San Francisco office at 625 Third Street (next
door to the Wells Fargo Bank) is more than $75,000 per year.

With the fortune he has derived from the marketing of youth, Wenner hopes to
wield political power on a national level in the 1980s. For this reason, he
has begun to develop intimate personal contacts with former John F. Kennedy
speechwriter, Richard Goodwin, and with JFK's daughter, Caroline Kennedy, as
well as with the pro-Zionist crowd around Bob Dylan and the left-liberal
opportunist crowd around Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden, Bill Graham, Joan Baez, and
David Harris. The tentative secret plan is to push through a bunch of New
Deal-type reforms and crack down on all underground "terrorist" leftist
freedom fighters.

Like all the more enlightened members of his class, Wenner ultimately hopes,
by ending the System's most glaring inequalities, to preserve his own Rolling
Stone Magazine-based publishing empire from a working-class youth-led

-YIPster Times, March '76

After Chicago, with the current of events running against cold warriors among
the Rock masses, Wenner's '68 denounciation of 'Festival of Life' organizers
came to be seen by the whole "new left," countercultural confluence which
identified with Yippie! as a particularly egregious act of treachery.

Yippie collectives, with Abbie and Jerry gamely insisting they were "non-
leaders," continued to replicate like a political virus in the wake of the SDS
break-up, taking in non-students as well. On November 15th, 1969, thousands of
Yippies, Weatherpeople and others disregarded Mobe pacifists, beseiged the
Justice Dept. and, as John and Martha Mitchell looked down from the roof,
broke every window.

On May Day, 1970, the Yippie New Nation flag was first unfurled on the Yale
Green at New Haven by groups throughout the vast Rally for Bobby Seale and
other Panthers on trial in New Haven. After the Kent State Massacre a few days
later, crude New Nation flags became the new banner of insurrection.

Then, on July 4th, 1970, Nixon called upon the same hardhats whose unions had
urged them to beat up antiwar protesters near Wall Street on May 6th, to be
the fascist shock troops to smash any unsightly counter-demonstrators at his
official July 4th. Though Abbie and Jerry were immobilized by their
(eventually to be overturned) Chicago convictions, Rennie Davis, Nancy Kurshan
and a bunch of other YlPs backed an already-planned smoke-in as a counter-

pps. 1-2
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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