-Caveat Lector-


Sorry, I missed this earlier:

>Criminalization of drugs, prostitution, gambling, sodomy ...
>encouragement of prayer in the government schools, the government
>schools themselves ...

"Criminalization of drugs (a wasted effort, apart from filling the coffers
of criminals and politicians), prostitution, gambling, sodomy..." fall
under the rubric of punishment of/for criminals.

How is encouragement of prayer in schools considered social intervention?
I'll need more here to continue in the vein of social intervention.

>How exactly does one who disapproves of the Government forcibly
>taking an arbitrary amount of earnings from an arbitrarily defined
>group and redistributing this plunder to another arbitrary group
>fall within the confines of 'social Darwinism'?

Because those who proffer such an argument imply (by the use of emotives
like "theft" and "plunder") that there is no need for a collection of just
revenues for the maintenance of a society in which "a few (to be
arbitrarily determined :-))" benefit disproportionately. Such arguments
negate the need for a basic provision of services to those within a society
who are incapable of fending for themselves. Such arguments, therefore,
promote, by default, the social equivalent of the "natural laws" of
survival of the fittest. The social extension of such an
argument/philosophy is social Darwinism or naturalism.

>What you describe (haphazardly) as a Republican is NOT a
>Libertarian -- grouping them together is dishonest.

Hardly: according to my experience (subjective at best, but never claimed
to have been more than that), there is no practical difference between the
philosophies of Republicans and Libertarians--apart from the stated
possibility that Libertarians lean more in the direction of anarchy than
fascism. In either case, to make such an assertion is not dishonest.

>their (Ls) web page (www.lp.org) and explain what it is that
>places them in the confines you attempt.  My reading of the
>Ls is their desire to end ALL of the Government waste by
>restoring this Constitutional Republic to its plainly written

I am thoroughly aware of the ideological differences between the two, and
were Libertarian philosophies congruent "in-practice" with their ideology,
I would more than likely be Libertarian. As it is, however, I still contend
that there is no practical difference between Republicans and Libertarians.

>What exactly does one have when an attempt is made to equate
>the abolition of theft ... with 'Social Darwinism'?

The same that one has when one uses emotives like "theft" to describe the
just collection, distribution and application of a portion of society's
resources in order to maintain vital social infrastructure. If the left
uses psychopolitics, they learned it from the right :-)

Edward   ><>
  "From the rage of today's downtrodden comes the revenge of tomorrow's
                    revolutionary force." Edward Britton   ><>
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