-Caveat Lector-

I've never looked at Hustler magazine, and I didn't see the movie with Woody
Harrelson about Flynt.  All I know about Larry Flynt comes from the book,
Project Seek:  Onassis, Kennedy and the Gemstone Thesis, by Gerald A.
Carroll, published by Bridger House Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 2208, Carson
City, NV 89702 (1-800-729-4131), copyright 1994.



CHAPTER 1 -- The Skeleton Key: Part I

The Skeleton Key to the Gemstone Files was pieced together by an unnamed
individual who claims to have accessed much of Gemstone Files author Bruce
Roberts' work. Despite its second-hand nature, and despite its enormous
complexity, the Skeleton Key does present claims and circumstances which can
be independently traced and corroborated, and indeed many researchers have
done just that in books and articles which have appeared long after the
Skeleton Key was circulated.
  The Key also contains plenty of names -- many of which were simply deleted
when the Key ran in the February, 1979, edition of Hustler magazine. Had it
not been for Hustler publisher Larry Flynt's almost crazed dedication to
revealing all that he and his magazine could relating to the assassination
of John F. Kennedy, this later record would carry little meaning. For,
despite Flynt's devil-may-care attitude, he and his editors still watered
down the Skeleton Key tremendously. We won't make the same mistake. The Key
appears here, for the first time, in
annotated form, so that readers can see how the published Hustler version
stacks up to the original. It also will go far in explaining why Flynt sat
on this story for over three years before finally going to press with it;
the fact that someone tried to shoot him to death might have had something
to do with the delay as well.
  Flynt offered a reward of $1 million to "anyone who can solve" the
"conspiracy" surrounding the Kennedy assassination. The reward was offered
in January of 1978, just over 15
years after the November 22, 1963, killing of the President. Two months
later, on March 5, Flynt was shot by an unknown assailant, who had pulled up
in a car right after Flynt and his attorney left a Lawrenceville, GA,
courtroom where the publisher was on trial for obscenity charges. The
shooting left Flynt paralyzed from the waist down.
   The shooting was blamed on overzealous, right-wing Christians who were
reportedly enraged at Flynt's lengthy history of "smut" publishing. However,
the timing of the shooting soon after his pronouncement of the $I million
JFK conspiracy reward leaves some doubt as to the assassin's true motives.
   Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the first public disclosure
of the Skeleton Key, the facts as presented certainly provide some valuable
material from which a coherent investigation of these facts can be
conducted. Hustler might not have published the entire Key script as
circulated at that time, but it did print the most critical passages --
those connecting Aristotle Onassis with the assassinations of JFK, RFK and
the Watergate scandal. Further, the editors at Hustler also added some
information that was not in the original Skeleton Key. This information,
including astounding facts on the organized-crime background of Gerald
Ford's real father, lends further credibility to whatever passages in the
Gemstone Files that could be construed as Bruce Roberts' private fantasies.
   Biographical information on Roberts himself is sprinkled throughout the
original Key. However, Hustler deleted much of this material. We decided to
include the missing fragments
pertaining to Roberts, and even uncovered a few more on our own --just to
show that Roberts was who he claimed to be, and that he was indeed author of
the Gemstone thesis (see Chapter 8)·
   It is easy to see why the mainstream media in the United States and
around the world failed to pick up on Hustler's lead in reporting any
connection between the Kennedy assassinations and Onassis. A magazine which
so blatantly exploits women and that contains such outrageous fiction and
other sordid con tent can hardly be credible enough to carry a story of this
magnitude with any seriousness. The cover art on the story showed the
"Kennedy boys" and Onassis, among others, dressed in pinstripe,
gangster-style suits. The whole package was difficult to take seriously, and
it wasn't.
   But that was before the real Skeleton Key started showing up again on
college campuses and among certain individual who could finally compare the
original with the sanitized Hustler version. For the first time anywhere, we
will produce hybrid copy of the Key which will vividly show the original Key
alongside the Hustler version. Readers can then decide for themselves what
has transpired -- and what motivated Flynt's editors to do what they did.
   Now what of Bruce Roberts himself? Here is how Hustler magazine described
the author of the "article" entitled 'The Gemstone File":
   "The author of this article is deceased. How he died is not known. What
is known is that he was a man trained as a crystallographer who claimed to
have stumbled onto dark and murky, but nonetheless discernible,
interconnections between the aberrant world of Howard Hughes, the Mafia, the
Central Intelligence Agency and the United States government...
   "His name was Bruce Roberts. In the 1950s he lived in the Sunset District
of San Francisco and began to preach to all who would listen about the evil
conspiracies he had discovered..."
  Hustler's prologue of this issue (February, 1979) cited that the "Gemstone
File" was "presented to us with the following warning: 'Everyone else who
has this information is now dead' -- including Its author, Bruce Roberts."
Hustler admitted in its introduction that it did not know how Roberts died.
But we found out how, along with some other facts about his life which
are pretty hard to come by.
   Bruce Porter Roberts was born Oct. 27, 1919, in the state of New York,
and died July 30, 1976, in San Francisco of "respiratory failure (due to)
metastatic carcinoma of lung (adenocarcinoma);" in other words, lung cancer.
However, as we will discover, Roberts wrote his Gemstone papers nearly up to
the day he died-and had a strange explanation for his development of the
"cancer."  But more on Roberts' background in Chapter 8.  Now it is time to
present the Skeleton Key, with the following preamble:
  First, the Hustler report is not the actual "gemstone File" as the title
might suggest.  It is only the Skeleton Key, quoted virtually verbatim
except for passages which were either left out or added on.  Further, the
magazine's editors changed the tenses from the predominantly past tense
(that the original Key uses), into a present tense that is more newswriting

[The following is the way Hustler introduced the material]:

By Bruce Roberts

This magazine has an abiding interest in shedding light on those concerts of
evil that are known by the name of conspiracies.  It is not just because our
publisher was shot down by an unknown gunman in a small Southern town and
will bear the physical evidence of that cowardly act for too long.  Unseen
fingers, pulling unspottable triggers, with silent eyes framing invisible
cross hairs, are not strangers to those in public life in this country.  The
forces of evil that foster such things are far too evident to be a figment
of paranoid imagination.  There are conspiracies; just ask Jimmy Hoffa's son
or Medgar Evers' brother or any of the Kennedy family.  Or you could ask
Larry or Althea Flynt.

Throughout history, wherever new voices become powerful and commanding,
there is a traceable pattern of violent response.  Whether from the right or
the left, there is a stealthy, savage reaction, like a shaft of ramrod
steel.  From Jesus Christ to Chile's Salvador Allende, the markings are
clear.  Action calls forth reaction, and nowhere is this more clear than in
the savage history of our own country: Abraham Lincoln, Huey Long, John
Fitzgerald Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and all the others whose cries for
justice have been stilled by the staccato burst of a gun. These are the
facts of .., political life. Sudden death is not just an overtime in
professional football.
   The article that follows, The Gemsfone File -- a condensation of a
thousand-page manuscript -- may be considered by many to be a work of
madness. But remember, through all the ages all innovative work of genius
has thought to be a product of insanity. One need only reflect on the
spectacle of Galileo recanting before the church. It was madness -- they
said -- for him to advance the notion that the earth moved around the sun.
And they were right: It was madness, even though he was correct. The
astronomer's thinking was madness because it upset the settled scheme of
things and could be demonstrably proven for all to see. For that reason,
Galileo's idea had to be dismissed and done away with -- perhaps, just the
The Gemstone File.
   No doubt reasonable men will say that the factual assertions of The
Gemstone File are simply preposterous -- because they go too far and
encompass too much. That may be true, but it should never be overlooked that
the hellish vision the article contains may well bear the germs of truth,
virulent though they may be.
   The author of this article is deceased. How he died is not known. What is
known is that he was a man trained as a crystallographer who claimed to have
stumbled onto the dark and murky, but nonetheless discernible,
interconnections between the aberrant world of Howard Hughes, the Mafia, the
Central Intelligence Agency and the United States government.
 He claims that through his inventions in the field of
artificial-gemstone technology (the cornerstone of laser-beam application),
he had penetrated into the heart of the beast:

that he became privy to worlds that can just barely be imagined, let alone
glimpsed by ordinary mortals. His wisdom (if such it was) led, he claimed,
to the death of his father at the hands of these malignant forces.
  His name was Bruce Roberts. In the 1950s, he lived in the Sunset District
of San Francisco and began to preach to all who would listen about the evil
conspiracies he had discovered. This was well before the madness that
eventually took place in Dealey Plaza and Vietnam.
   You, then, will be the judge of Roberts'jarring legacy. Is there a
connection between the deaths of popes and the flow of oil and heroin? Do
the forces that applaud death and disintegration over life and human
progress really exist? And do they take the forms Roberts postulates? Is
this an incredible web of paranoid lunacy or a searing glimpse into the
fourth dimension of history?
   We do not presume to judge the material that follows material we have
obtained as a result of our advertisements calling for information about the
JFK assassination. Nor do we intent to maliciously cast ill toward anyone by
publishing this article. We consider only this: The Gemsfone File is a cry
that needs to be heard. Whether or not your ears are deaf is a matter for
you alone to decide. -- John G. Clancy.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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