-Caveat Lector-

-From original post-
> Just like a Sergeant Major of the Army, Gene McKinney,
> who though found not guilty, was forced to resign
> amid accusations of sexual abuse.
> Remember the Air Force General you wouldn't
> nominate to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
> because he freely admitted to an affair almost 15
> years before, while he and his wife were separated?
> Unlike you, he was never accused of having a
> starry-eyed office assistant my daughter's age
> perform oral sex on him while he was on the
> phone and his wife and daughter were upstairs.

So what kind of double standard was Clinton practicing here.  That the chief
is the only one that is suppose to keep his job if he is caught?  The
President is elected by the will of the people.  So, this implies that
America can not be trusted, does not keep promises, doesn't believe in
commitments (oath of office, marriage), etc.  Why didn't he say that he
believed in black masses (genocide), open marriages, being worshiped as a
phallic god, etc.  Would he have been elected if he had?  Yet now we try to
cover it up like a cat covering up his bowel movement (caca).  That implies
that is what we think that Clinton actually is and that we think that is
what America is.  Look at the propaganda on this list about what other
presidents have done.

Well I have another idea.  How would you have a Constitutional Republic?
Even with voting you would realize that not everyone would have the control
required to get to the voting booth and know all the issues.  How?
Electoral College.  How would they decide back then?  Anyone hear of the
dreaded Census Takers?  That would eventually evolve into statistics.  This
would be like the Nelson Ratings, or the Kinsey Report.  We have believed
these because these people are professionals.  The Census and then the
Statistics on the American people would be how they believed - the Will of
the People.  So as a elected official that was a role model of America the
President would also be required to show alternative ways out of different
dilemmas.  Think of Kennedy's escapades - what no one mentions is that it
led to sexual harassment suits being recognized in court.  That no one was
above the law.

What has Clinton done?  Gotten hold of the statistics, used the special
interest groups and fed up a bunch of.  I believe it is called "Divide and

>From Prudy
>You will please observe that most of the time when the
military get really officious about these matters, they involve
fraternization.   That's any relationship between officers and enlisted.
are pretty sticky about that.<

To me this would imply that the military does not approve of pedophilia in
any form.  To try to make sure that the officers learn to protect those that
they have responsibility over.  Sportsmanship, not taking advantage of the
underdog.  I admit at time these things have gotten by, but on the whole
these people knew the consequences of their actions and that if they got
caught that they would have to face the heat.  What our Commander In Chief
has done is to fraternize and to say that he is above the law.  To say that
we are the most powerful nation on earth and that since we are that we can
do what ever we want and that if we get caught that we will make the other
side pay.

 If say you were a slave and this was your immediate master would you be
living in fear of your life?  Your way of life?  You are not?  I am.

England had a ruler that they threw out because of fraternization with
Nazis.  At the time of Nixon the will of people helped throw him out.  Could
be Clinton has control of  of the statistics that go into the government?
Control of the Propaganda?

Are the worlds Civility, Trustfulness, Commitment - and so on dead?  Is he
redefining these words to the extent that new dictionaries will have
different definitions of what America defines these words as, that the will
of the people believes Clintons is the current definition?  At one time a
mans word was his bond, John Wayne movies.  Granted the good guy did not
always win like in those movies, but if someone was found out the will of
the people was such that he was taken out.  A social outcast.  Is the
current propaganda making us all feel that we are already social outcasts so
that we will identify with him?  Peer Groups, when we peer groups important
before?  As kids most of us were able to grow up knowing that our parents
would take care of us.  If Clinton were your adopted father would you
believe that he would take care of you?  Oh he has been there to?  What has
he really done.  (Usually) Taken one person out of each special interest
group to highlight the group and get their sympathy while he "$^&&%" The
group as a whole.  America is protective as a country.  We protect our
rights.  Maternal instincts as a whole?  Thinking that he has a good point
here and a good point there - so eventually he will straighten up?  That he
just does not always have control?  I say that, that guy is a cold blooded
snake (an apology to snakes) that has one thought on his little mind.  ME,
ME, that he could care less for any thing that does not advance his idea of

One last question.  It has been disproved that he was the father of that
child but what was put out in the media?  That he was paying for the child's
education.  Good propaganda ploy - wonder when he decided to give that
family money?  And what they were paid for if he really did.  To be able to
get the sympathy of the American people?
Paid to go in front of the media?  During that time we did not think he was
prejudice.  Well there is another special interest group he courted the
Black American.  Would you marry someone like him?  I would throw him out
the door.  Yet what are we doing?  We are still dating the guy.  Saying that
America is afraid to do any better.  OR are we saying that America can not
do any better.  Think of those special interest groups slowly but surely the
Constitution has allowed them to be.  Yet Clinton is putting out the
Propaganda that it was not the Constitution but leaders like him.  The He is
allowing them to be.

Which do you believe in - Clinton or the Constitution?????

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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