-----Original Message-----
From: L. Shipton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, January 17, 1999 2:04 PM
Subject: Fwd: Part 2, the Nancy Markle Story, Dr. Roberts, and other information

>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 4.0
>Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 02:37:44 -0500
>From: betty martini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Fwd: Part 2, the Nancy Markle Story, Dr. Roberts, and other
>  information
>>  >>Dear Serenity:  This is part 2 regarding  the Nancy Markle post.  I left
>>off in Part 1 explaining you could get the original  post on the World
>>Environmental Conference as I wrote it on .  Some even asked
>>to prove I lectured.  On DORway is the confirmation letter of my lecture.
>>Some even  said there was  no Dr. Espisto who gave the closing lecture.
>>That  one came in on Dec 31 so I beeped  Dr. Joe Espisto on  New Years Eve
>>to ask his permission to put his telephone on Internet. He's still getting
>calls.    Everything is
>>confirmed and the government documents show aspartame was never proven
>safe.  Also,
>>on DORway is the story of how it got approved which is incredible.  Read
>>NutraPoison by Alex Constantine for the his tory and he even says that
>>aspartame was once listed with the pentagon in an inventory of prospective
>>biochemical warfare weapons submitted to Congress.   I don't doubt it -
>>sure did a number in the Persian  Gulf as diet drinks heated up to
>>cocktails in the 120 degree Arabian sun.   Also, you can read the history
>>by Barbara Mullarkey in Informed Consent who is author of Bittersweet
>>Aspartame:  A Diet Delusion.  Also on Dorway. 
>>H. J. Roberts, M.D. is the world expert on aspartame.  As to his
>>credentials, he is a Board  Certified and Recertified Internist and an
>>internationally known medical consultant and researcher.  He is listed in
>>Who's Who in America, Who Who in the World, Who's  Who in Science and
>>Engineering and The Best Doctors in the U.S.  Dr. Roberts was selected as
>>the Best Doctor in the US in l984.
>>He has recently retired but was on the Active Staff of Good Samaritan
>>Hospital and St. Mary's Hospital   He is the Director of the Palm Beach
>>Institute for Medical Research  since l 984    and a member of
>>many prestigious  medical and scientific organizations - including the
>>Endocrine Society and the American  Academy of Neurology.  He has authored
>>10  acclaimed books , three being nominated for a PUltizer Prize.
>>His publications include more than 200 original articles and letters.
>>Many regard Dr. Roberts as the foremost "aspartamologist" because of his
>>extensive pioneering studies in this field.  He has also been knighted for
>>his professional and humanitarian efforts b y the Order of St. George. 
>>In his first book on aspartame titled  ASPARTAME  (NUTRASWEET)   IS IT
>>SAFE? , Charles Press, he commented that he said in his first press
>>conference that if something wasn't done about aspartame then we would have
>>a plague in  5 or 10 years.  (Book written in l990)  In March, l998 I
>>attended the First International Conference on Emerging Diseases, sponsored
>>in part by CDC in Atlanta, and was attended by doctors and scientists from
>>91 countries of the world and the global press.   Dr. Roberts paper was

>>distributed declaring aspartame to now be a disease and world epidemic.
>>His new medical text on the world plague is in the process of being
>>published.  It is estimated that 5 out of 7 on aspartame already have some
>>of the 92 symptoms on the FDA report or one of the diseases it triggers.
>>Dr. Roberts has  done research on Alzheimers for 30 years and wrote Defense
>>Against Alzheimers Disease which in my opinion is a masterpiece. He says in
>>this book that aspartame is escalating this 20 th century disease now the
>>4th leading cause of dea th in adults.  The Alzheimers Association admits
>>that 50% of every nursing home room is occupied by an Alzheimer patient,
>>even mature babyboomers.  Indeed, memory loss is #9 on the FDA list.  His
>>web site of publications is   
>>Dr. Roberts has provided us with many of the position papers  on serious
>>problems triggered by aspartame.  They include MS or Aspartame Disease?,
>>aspartame and cardiac symptoms, aspartame and pregnancy, aspartame and
>>headaches,  aspartame and diabetes, aspartame and the eyes (recently
>>published in Focus, An Alternate Information Forum for Retinal Degenerative
>>Disorders ). 
>>Dr. Roberts is a diabetic specialist and  this is how he first realized
>>there was  something seriously wrong with aspartame as his diabetic
>>patients became con fused, loss their memory and some went blind.
>> Many times we are called Roberts Angels as the article brought out.  In
>>fact, Dr. Roberts says he ha as it all over Charlie because he has so many.
>> Indeed, Mission Possible operations exist today in many states of the US
>>and many countries of the world.  We are a  worldwide volunteer force
>>distributing a warning flyer that NutraSweet is a neurotoxin.    
>>Many may wonder about what to use  in place of sugar if they can't have it.
>> There is a healthy sweetener list on and
>>   For diabetics Stevia is wonderful, used in
>>Brazil to aid diabetics because in the metabolism of sugar and fights
>>bacteria.  The FDA did not want any competition for NutraPoison and at one
>>time it was embargoed.  And after all Stevia is a food and not an additive
>>or drug like aspartame (interacts with other drugs and changes brain
>>chemistry).  Because of extreme pressure for years the FDA was finally
>>forced to approve Stevia but they did it as a die tary supplement,
>>obviously hoping people would not know its a sweetener.  The FDA has great
>>loyalty to Monsanto.  But S tevia is the salvation of the diabetics since
>>aspartame precipitates diabetes, destroys the optic nerve, keeps blood
>>sugar out of control and even causes  diabetics to go into convulsions.
>>How far would the FDA go.  They actually demanded the Stevita Company  to
>>destroy their cookbooks so no one would know that Stevia is sweet. In fact,
>>I wrote an article about  it incorporating the actual letter from the FDA
>>to Stevita.  It was just published in the January issue of the Townsend
>>Letter For Doctors. 

>>There have been a group of very courageous physicians who  have constantly
>>written and gotten information to the public so they would be warned.  Some
>>testified ab out it before Congress. Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D.,
>>author of Excitotoxins:  The Taste That Kills (  1 800 - 643-  2665) has
>>some incredible information on the DORway site including a lecture (if you
>>have audio) where he explains that aspartame reactions are not allergic in
>>nature but toxic like arsenic and cyanide.  Understand, aspartame is a
>>chemical poison. Also, Dr. Blaylock wrote about a 25 page article recently
>>added to DORway and also a position paper on aspartame and pilots.  We also
>>interviewed Dr. Blaylock on Mission Possible Radio and there is an
>>incredible interview where he explains why the pilots are having grand mal
>>seizures and some have died.  (over 1000 complaints from pilots on problems
>>from aspartame). 
>>There is information by Dr. Ralph Walton who was on 60 Minutes in l996 and
>>said there are only 90 valid studies on aspartame that are independent and
>>not industry funded - and 83 out of the 90  showed problems with aspartame.
>> He was on with Dr. John Oln ey who made world news in l996 on the
>>aspartame and brain tumor issue.  Dr. John Olney is such a famous
>>researcher that he founded the field of neuroscience known as
>>excitotoxicity.  All of these doctors and more are on the Mission Possible
>>list .  They have all helped us  in education and writing about this deadly
>>Another verious serious problem with aspartame is that it hardens the
>>synovial fluids.  Many aspartame victims are misdiagnosed as having
>>fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis, etc.  One physician who used
>>aspartame could not diagnose himself and went to many other doctors as I
>>understand it, includin g the Mayo Clinic.  It was only because he read an
>>article that Dr. Roberts wrote on joint pain that was published in the
>>Townsend Letter For  Doctors  that he realized what his problem was.  He
>>got off and his joint pain disappeared.  He was in the process of writing a
>>book and in gratitude to Dr. Roberts he thanked him and wrote his story in
>>the first chapter which you can read on DORWay.  
>> Because of  Nancy Markle putting her name on this post, and thanks to
>>Shoshanna Allison for getting it on 450 global networks many things have
>>happened.  Doctors, cllinics, hospitals, media, hysterical victims,
>>attorneys, etc. have called or emailed.  The phone doesn't stop ringing day
>>and night.  A support court was setup by Linda Solomon and many of these
>>victims joined to compare notes with others.  Often as I read the posts
>>they say "day 1 off aspartame" - day 5 off aspartame", and then sometimes
>>you read "I can breathe again, I can think again without fog,  my joint
>>pain is disappearing, my headaches are gone , my memory loss is gone",
>>etc., etc.  We may never find Nancy Markle but people are even writing s
>>ongs to her. Ron Hamilton in Canada suggested we add to web:  "Nancy
>>Markle, please call home".

>>Nobody has ever said it any better that Dr. James Bowen who told the FDA
>>many years ago after almost losing his own life from aspartame:  "This is
>>mass poisoning of the American public and more than 70 countries of the
>>world ."  (now 100 )  
>>  Today I saw the movie and true story,  A Civil Action.  I recommend
>>everyone see it  .  About 8 years ago Dr. Roberts started writing a novel
>>as a warning to the world called the Cacof Conspiracy.  It looks back on
>>aspartame although Cacof is not aspartame, it is a new millenial sweetener.
>> On page 166 it  goes into the Civil Action.  As it turns out Monsanto is
>>trying to get approved a new millenial sweetener called Neotame, a more
>>potent aspartame.  They know that if aspartame is recalled people will
>>wakeup from all kinds of medical problems.  In fact, an organic market
>>here, Return to Eden, some years ago put out a brochure titled Killer Kola
>>using much of our material on aspartame.  They gave away free 15,000
>>copies.  After a couple of months people came in, called, faxed, etc.
>>shocked that they had one warning after getting off aspartame woken up well
>>from all kinds of medical problems they had been going to doctors for, for
>>years.  They were even coming to my house and my address  and phone number
>>were not  in the brochure - thousands.  If aspartame was recalled tomorrow
>>and removed from the face of the earth, 200 million people in 100 countries
>>of the world might just do the same thing, and they would know  it was
>>Monsanto with the help of the FDA that poisoned them.  I am sure that more
>>people have died from aspartame than in many wars and have said all along
>>that this is one of the greatest scandals in US History to market a deadly
>>poison for human consumption. 
>>In the movie Duval who was an attorney  was talking to the father  of a
>>child who had died, obviously from the spills from factories.   But he was
>>trying to put in his mind that there are other things t hat can cause
>>problems and asked if certain things were used like "SUGARFREE GUM,
>>ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS, DIET  DRINKS" !!!!  Do not believe for a moment that
>>we haven't gotten the word to the ends of the globe. When that was said I
>>stood up and said "Yes, Yes, they know"!  We drew a crowd in the lobby as
>>we gave out warning flyer.   Most all knew already that aspartame is
>>poison. I believe Monsanto's  days are numbered. 
>> A spartame is also v ery a ddictive.  Don't jeopardize your life  or that
>>of your family and children.  What if someone is pregnant.  Dr. Louis
>>Elsas, pediatric professor, at Emory University, over 30 years told
>>Congress that aspartame is a neurotoxin and teratogen (triggers birth
>>defects) and that it angers him that it is pushed on this group.  It has
>>been outlawed for infants and small children in the European Union.
>>One of the ladies on our list, Evelyn Blake, was a serious aspartame
>>victim.  When she got off aspartame her seizures and other problems
>>disappeared.  Her doctor not only wrote a letter to his patients warning
>>them off but had it published in the newspaper (also on

>>Evelyn has become Mission Possible West Virginia. 
>>There is only one motive in what we do,  and that is to save people from
>>disability and agonizing death from Aspartame Disease.  We are a worldwide
>>volunteer force.  The courageous doctors who have gone against industry and
>>the FDA to warn the world are on our Mission Possible list and much of
>>their writing is on
>>There is simply too mu ch evidence by this incredible group of hero
>>physicians  for you to doubt it  .  They are responsible for saving the
>>lives of thousands of people the world over .  They have devoted their time
>>and energy free in giving us arti cles to publish and education to help the
>>public better understand this poison.  Listen to them - save your life and
>>the other of others.  Rage must rise up in the very nostril of Almighty
>>Jehovah God for what Monsanto and the FDA have done.  Not even a warning to
>>save the babies so many times murdered in their mother's womb by this
>>Betty  Martini, Founder
>>Mission Possible International
>> 770 242-2599           
>>                               At 03:19 PM 1/16/99 -0500, Serenity Wilson
>>Bilen wrote:
>>>I have a few URL's that anyone believing in aspartame disease might want
>>to read before
>>>making a decision.   One is a sort of rebuttal of Nancy Markle's (a.k.a.
>>Betty Martini)
>>>article on aspartame disease, the other is a study of Mrs. Martini herself.
>>>I believe that the author of this page was trying to be fair and included
>>Mrs. Martini's
>>>article.  (The one that got me looking around)
>>>Betty Martini's Profile:
>>>The author of this page is apparently a doctor and one who likes Betty.
>>There is an
>>>email address for this lady on this page.
>>>Here is a message board about aspartame (a.k.a. NutraSweet) and sleep
>>>Mrs. Martini, apparently, has posted there herself.
>>>A page about aspartame that include doctors statements:
>>>The list I could send out goes on and on.  However, what I want to say is
>>that if you are
>>>going to ban a product from a household, you should do some research for
>>yourself.  If
>>>Mrs. Martini (according to what I have read) can spend 18 hours a day and
>>her own money on
>>>plane fares, etc, to do research, surely we can spend a couple of hours and
>>>make up our mind.
>>>And if you aren't sure after your research if you believe in the aspartame
>>disease, why
>>>not take the 60 day test.  You only have to prove this to yourself, no one
>>else.  If you
>>>feel that Mrs. Martini is in the wrong, then keep drinking/eating
>>aspartame, if not, well
>>>at least you aren't addicted anymore.
>>>But DON'T base your giving up something on one letter or one person's say

>>>As for me, I think I'll take the 60 test as the research (to me) was
>>conflicting and
>>>Serenity Wilson Bilen
>>1. Take the 60-day No Aspartame Test and send us your case history.
>>Mission Possible International
>>5950-H State Bridge Rd.  #215            Duluth, GA 30097  USA
>>2. Tell your doctor and all of your friends!
>>3. Return Asparcidal food to the store.
>>(anything with Monsanto's NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Benevia/NatraTaste)
>>VISIT Get links to over 30 sites on aspartame
>>VISIT   ..FAQs & Cases
>>VISIT Exposing Bovine Growth Hormone
>>           Disability and Death are not acceptable costs of business!
>1. Take the 60-day No Aspartame Test and send us your case history.
>Mission Possible International
>5950-H State Bridge Rd.  #215            Duluth, GA 30097  USA
>2. Tell your doctor and all of your friends!
>3. Return Asparcidal food to the store.
>(anything with Monsanto's NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Benevia/NatraTaste)
>VISIT Get links to over 30 sites on aspartame
>VISIT   ..FAQs & Cases
>VISIT Exposing Bovine Growth Hormone
>           Disability and Death are not acceptable costs of business!
1. Take the 60-day No Aspartame Test and send us your case history.
Mission Possible International
5950-H State Bridge Rd. #215            Duluth, GA 30097 USA
2. Tell your doctor and all of your friends!
3. Return Asparcidal food to the store.
(anything with Monsanto's NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Benevia/NatraTaste)
VISIT Get links to over 30 sites on aspartame
VISIT ..FAQs & Cases
VISIT Exposing Bovine Growth Hormone
           Disability and Death are not acceptable costs of business!
1. Take the 60-day No Aspartame Test and send us your case history.
Mission Possible International
5950-H State Bridge Rd. #215            Duluth, GA 30097 USA
2. Tell your doctor and all of your friends!
3. Return Asparcidal food to the store.
(anything with Monsanto's NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Benevia/NatraTaste)
VISIT Get links to over 30 sites on aspartame
VISIT ..FAQs & Cases
VISIT Exposing Bovine Growth Hormone
           Disability and Death are not acceptable costs of business!

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